Tag Archives: Conventions

Origins 2018 – More Gameplay!

CentCom2018 SPLASH gameplay

Yeah, there really was that much gameplay ~

GrogHeads Newsdesk, 25 June 2018

There’s no shortage of gameplay at Origins, across the show.  There’s some great wargaming going out outside of the GrogHeads area.

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Origins 2018 – Gameplay II

CentCom2018 SPLASH gameplay

More pictures around the gaming halls ~

GrogHeads Newsdesk, 21 June 2018

If you can’t find a game you want to play at Origins, you’re just not trying hard enough.  Our wargaming we highlighted in an earlier article, but here’s plenty of other games to check out – including a few wacky, home-brew, and off-the-wall ones – and we’ve still got more to come.

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photos by Corrine Mahaffey

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Origins 2018 – Gameplay Gallery I

CentCom2018 SPLASH gameplay

The game’s the thing… ~

GrogHeads Newsdesk, 21 June 2018

There was a wide variety of gaming going on all over Origins, and we’ve already focused on our wargaming corner of the world in an earlier article.  What we’ve got here are a couple of galleries of different games on tables, with much more from the gaming halls to come soon.

First up, author & game designer Larry Bond leading a naval minis wargame over Main Gaming Hall A.

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And there was sooooo much more

GrogHeads Central Command Location Revealed!

The secret is out ~

The GrogHeads Newsdesk, 8 June 2018

On the eve of our FIFTH time running the GrogHeads Central Command at Origins, we need to make sure everyone knows where to find us, since we’re still not labeled as “GrogHeads” in the site book

We’re pretty sure the big blue block behind us is the CABS Board Room, but we can’t independently confirm that.

So, come find us at the “War Gamers” area.  Yeah, we know.  We tried to get them to label it right.

Chat about it below, or in our forums, or hit our FaceBook page >>

Huzzah! – Photos from the Convention

Portland, Maine has a game convention?! ~

Chris Paquette, 6 June 2018

Every May, the good folks at the MHWA set up their long weekend of HUZZAH! It started as a minis-heavy gaming convention and has expanded to other tabletop games, as well.  But lets face it, it’s the minis that look the best on the table.

click images to enlarge

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And stay tuned for more convention coverage all summer long!

Chat about it below, or in our forums, or hit our FaceBook page >>