Monthly Archives: November 2017

Gaming Nostalgia – Justifiers RPG

#TBT at GrogHeads!

Oversized critters exploring new worlds? It was actually well-received, but lived in the era when small presses had trouble breaking through without the advantages of internet exposure we have today.

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What’s Gus Playing? Episode 8

The low-flying lord of longswords swings his blade around Eastern Europe ~

Lloyd Sabin, 27 November 2017

With the darkness and cold this time of year, I need some comfort food and some comfort gaming as well as beer. My ultimate comfort gaming series is Total War. It just makes me feel good. And one of the best Total War games is Medieval 2.

It just makes me feel good.

Combine one of my favorite series with one of my favorite installments of that series and it just doesn’t get much better…unless I add one of the best mods for a Total War game…Stainless Steel! I recently installed Stainless Steel v6.4 after having issues with it for years and settling for v6.3. It works like a charm now, runs extremely smooth and I haven’t had one CTD in about 15 hours of play. Not sure what finally clicked but I’ll take it.

If you have loved the Total War series even a little, you owe it to yourself to try Stainless Steel v6.4. If you enjoyed Medieval 2, run, don’t walk, and grab it right now. You’ll need a copy of the Kingdoms expansion as well. Here, have this link. It has everything you need to get started.

GrogHeads Reviews Ogre (6th Edition)

Steve Jackson Games relaunches Ogre and we take a look at what’s inside ~

Michael Eckenfels, 25 November 2017

Despite my longevity with board gaming, and my particular fondness for Steve Jackson Games’ products (see our slew of Car Wars nostalgia articles I wrote), I never played Ogre. Ever.

I’ve been a student of military history since I was eight years old – about the time the first Ogre game came out, but that was because of a visit to Pearl Harbor and not because of the game. I’d seen Ogre in my various favorite game stores over the years, but I just never had enough interest in it to ever buy it. I could see the appeal of a futuristic David vs. Goliath conflict, but it didn’t appeal to me. I much preferred large armies duking it out over epic-sized maps to small-scale tactical combat. Even a gigantic tank rumbling without a care over desperate small units trying to stop it didn’t appeal much.

Dragon’ Up The Past – Week 5, TANKSgiving

Yes, even our weekly video series is celebrating TANKSgiving ~

Brant & Jim, 24 November 2017

A super-sized episode that talks combat systems, fantasy artwork models, deciding what’s “fun”, celebrity appearances from years before they were famous, and TANKS!

Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where this one came from – there’s 196 issues still to go!

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Happy TANKSgiving!

From our Grogs to yours – Happy TANKSgiving ~

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