Monthly Archives: November 2020

Matrix Games Showcase – Future Wargames!

thumbnail HoWLive MatrixGamesShowcase spotlight

Join Slitherine for a special Live Twitch session next Thursday, December 3d, at 17:00 UK Time, featuring interviews with world famous wargame designers: Alvaro Sousa (Kraken Studios – Warplan), Victor Reiksersz (VR Design – Decisive Campaigns, Shadow Empire), Rob Crandal (On Target Simulations – Flashpoint Campaigns) and Joel Billings (2BY3 Games -War in the East series).

thumbnail HoWLive MatrixGamesShowcase spotlight

The live session will be on Slitherine’s Twitch Channel and will focus on exciting new titles like:

– War in the East 2
– Decisive Campaigns – Ardennes Offensive
– Fleshpoint Campaigns – Southern Storm
– Warplan Pacific

HOW Live – Matrix Games Showcase – #FutureWargames

By: Grogheads Staff

Chat about it below, or in our forums, or hit our FaceBook page >>

Grogheads Reviews: Stirring Abyss!


Stirring Abyss is a squad level, turn based, survival-horror-exploration game developed by Sleeping Sentry and distributed by Slitherine/Matrix.  This review is based on more than 21 hours of play.  I was given a review copy, but then purchased my own copy so I could continue playing my game without restarting from the beta version.  Yes, the game was so good that I shelled out retail price so my save game would not be lost.

By: Avery Abernethy

1 Stirring Abyss