Tiny Epic Galaxies – First Look!

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The Kickstarter sensation is starting to land on peoples’ tables.  What’s inside? ~

Brant Guillory, 7 October 2015

We first brought up Tiny Epic Galaxies in our GARPA column, where we noted how quickly they blew through their initial funding goals in 90 minutes, and hit six-figures within their first day.  Now that it’s arrived, here’s what finally shipped after all the stretch goals piled in.


The box. Standard size small Gamelyn box, but feels sturdier than the others like TEK.


Nicely-illustrated back cover


There’s a LOT of cards in the box.



Player mats, including the “rogue” galaxies on the back sides.



Planet cards, with the back shown in the middle. The genius of the Gamelyn campaigns is that all of the added content – new planets, new missions, etc – really only amount to printing more cards. They definitely enhance the options in the game, but the production costs for the additional content are marginal.



Mission cards; back shown in the middle.



The shared player tracking card.



The rulebook. Small and compact, but not always the clearest prose.



Some of the wooden markers in the game. Each player has several rocket ships.



Dice and counters.



Even the inside of the boxes are used. The bottom is labeled as a dice tray, and the top includes some rules clarifications.


Super Weapons

Kickstarter backers also got a Super Weapons expansion with cards like these.


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