Tag Archives: Dragon

Dragon’ Up The Past – Week 3, Gary was pissed

Waaaaaay back into the vault for this one ~

Brant & Jim, 10 November 2017

Slip on your bell-bottoms as we go way back to an old issue of Dragon Magazine, and check out 1970s-vintage wargaming awards, a very angry editorial from Gary Gygax, a textual hype-man, and the first appearance of the Ninja NPC.

Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where this one came from – there’s 198 issues still to go!

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Dragon’ Up The Past – Week 2, Voting on the Classics

It’s time for some more explorations into the history of the hobby ~

Brant & Jim, 3 November 2017

Another trip into the Dragon Magazine archives, as we skip around the history of the hobby.

Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where this one came from – there’s 199 issues still to go!

Chat about it below, or in our forums, or hit our FaceBook page >>

Dragon’ Up The Past – Week 1, Boodles!

A new feature that takes a deep dive into the history of the hobby ~

Brant & Jim, 27 October 2017

Take a spin through the archives of the hobby gaming world, as Brant and Jim peruse the back catalog of Dragon Magazine

Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where this one came from – there’s 200 issues still to go!

Chat about it below, or in our forums, or hit our FaceBook page >>