Category Archives: GARPA

GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #77

Hey now, it’s been a few weeks, so we thought we’d throw another GARPA at you.  Plus, y’know, we had it on the schedule and all…

Brant Guillory, 18 September 2015


Mech Deck (Patrick Fahy)
$19k of $75k, ends 1 October 2015

These guys may have over-reached with the funding goal, but it’s because they’re committed to the quality of the manufacturing.  “Manufacturing what?” you ask.  Customizable, multi-component, build-your-own mech-walker-battle-droid-giant-fighting-thingees (trying to avoid inadvertently violating someone’s copyright here, work with me).  It’s a hex-and-minis skirmish game, but with mech figures that you can literally assemble on-the-fly to customize your arms, torso, legs, and “backpack” (back of torso) to make your own mech and then duke it out for bragging rights, or beer.   There’s some card-based randomizing as well as a geomorphic map.  Stomp over to the campaign page and fire off your pledge.


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #76

OK, so we’ve got something completely different for you this week.

Brant Guillory, 4 September 2015


Hawk The Hunter (Terry Marcel)
$19k of $500k, ends 1 OCT 2015

Remember the old fantasy flick Hawk the Slayer?  Of course you do.  You totally plundered it for campaign ideas for your early no-prefix D&D games.  Jack Palance chewing scenery.  The hokey rapid-fire elf-archer effects.  The cross-necklace-of-course-it’s-a-hidden-knife saving the day at the end.  Well it’s taken them 30 years, but they finally got around to trying to make the sequel, and they’re kickstarting it.  You can start at $5, and score the RiffTrax quip-along, and top out at a couple of grand that gets you a part in the movie.  Why are you still here instead of pledging the campaign?  Oh right, you’re here to watch the movie.

GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #75

Game accoutrements take center stage this week.  But don’t worry, we’ve got games, too!

Brant Guillory, 21 August 2015

Carolina Game Tables (Clint & Jodi Black)
$19k of $15k, ends 10 September 2015

Gorgeous, hand-crafted, drop-center game tables that pull double-duty as your dining room table are perfect for your gaming clan, uh… family.  Carolina Game Tables are a startup from a family that’s been in the furniture business for a few generations, and they’re putting that expertise to work for your benefit.  More affordable than the giant Geek Chic tables, Carolina Game Tables will hook you up with a great addition to your gaming life, but only in CONUS.  Sorry, Hawaii.  Drop your pledge on their Kickstarter campaign and then post the pics in our forums when it gets delivered and make us all jealous.


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #74

A mixed bag of pre-order goodness for you

The Seven Years War: Frederick’s Gamble  (GMT)
p500 $48, MSRP $69 – not there yet

Borrowing a well-loved system from The Napoleonic Wars that can play 2-4 players, this new one from GMT lets you play out the “real” first World War across Europe, North America, and India.  A truckload of counters, 110 cards, and a bunch of accessories fill out the box.  Chatter on CSW is pretty positive, and players interested in a global view of what’s generally played only as a North American-centric conflict will likely find what they’re looking for here.  GMT is taking p500 pledges on their site.  March over and place yours!


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #73

GARPA eschews all hexes for something different this week,

The Day of the Rangers  (Radio Dishdash Publishing Ltd.)
$320 of $4600, ends 23 August 2015

A combination of both rules and minis, this newly-launched game series has built their first expansion around the (in)famous BlackHawk Down battle in Mogadishu.  The figures are excellent and could easily be re-used in any number of post-Cold War games.  The campaign page also includes some 360° videos of the sample sculpts, so fast-rope over to their page and see how much you want to plunk down.
