GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #75
Game accoutrements take center stage this week. But don’t worry, we’ve got games, too!
Brant Guillory, 21 August 2015
Carolina Game Tables (Clint & Jodi Black)
$19k of $15k, ends 10 September 2015
Gorgeous, hand-crafted, drop-center game tables that pull double-duty as your dining room table are perfect for your gaming clan, uh… family. Carolina Game Tables are a startup from a family that’s been in the furniture business for a few generations, and they’re putting that expertise to work for your benefit. More affordable than the giant Geek Chic tables, Carolina Game Tables will hook you up with a great addition to your gaming life, but only in CONUS. Sorry, Hawaii. Drop your pledge on their Kickstarter campaign and then post the pics in our forums when it gets delivered and make us all jealous.
RPG Coasters (RPG Coasters)
$11,700 of $2500, ends 30 August 2015
Designed for RPG tables, but usable with any table, these laser-cut RPG coasters are things of beauty, and you can pick them up for a small as a $10 pledge. They’re coded to character classes, and you can get them customized with names, too. They’ve unlocked stretch goals for about 15 more classes, too. Pledge them over at Kickstarter, and get the coasters ready for your game table!
Conquest at Kismet (VPG)
Pre-order price $29.99
A cards-and-counters game of space battles, VPG’s newest game unloads a new lottery-style battle resolution mechanic on unsuspecting gamers. It comes with 2 mothership cards, but it’s clear that more could easily be built out in expansion backs. VPG is now boxing a lot of their games, and this is one of them. Check out their pre-order page for some pics of the components and the sample rules.
Trial by Viking (Last Life Games)
$3k of $7k, ends 17 September 2015
A platformer with battle-axes! A side-scrolling dungeon-crawl! It’s freakin’ VIKINGS, people! There’s a plethora of cut-scenes to move the story along, but let’s face it, the point here is to kill things and take loot. It’s got all the standard side-scrolling components – boss battles, puzzles, lots of enemy critters – as well as a planned multi-platform release. You can also go support them on Steam Greenlight, but hack your way over to the Kickstarter campaign and get your pledge in.
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And let us know if we’ve ever talked you into ordering something through GARPA! 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Brant! I appreciate it. 🙂 –Jodi for CGT
Always glad to help! 🙂
Hi! Thanks again for sharing the news about our Carolina Game Tables Kickstarter. Just a quick update: the website launched today! Now anyone can have a Game Table for Real Life. 🙂
We also have a new table design: Tablezilla!
Please visit, let us know what you think, and share the word.
Thanks again,