Tag Archives: Steampunk

GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #69

The siren song of pre-orders, begging for your wallet to open up and dispense your hard-earned shekels within.

Fog & Friction (Pondfoot Games)
£2k of £14k, ends 31 May 2015

Another WWII card game?  Why not?!  Fog & Friction gets you into the battles of the Western front with a nifty two-battlefields-at-the-same-time mechanic that forces you to balance your efforts to keep your opponent guessing where the damage is coming from next.  The artwork is period-evocative, and because the designers are based in the UK, the Commonwealth are not given second-shrift by the over-abundance of Yanks running around the game like they saved the world by themselves.  Flip over to their campaign page and shoot off a few bucks.  Half of our forum crew are already backing them, so you’ll have plenty of folks to play and discuss with.


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #67

Two games, two gizmos, one GARPA.  Enjoy!

Holy Roman Empire (One Small Step)
$14k of $7k, ends 13 April 2015

An update to a venerable and revolutionary game, OSS’s Holy Roman Empire is a graphic feast that updates the original with the incorporation of older errata and the greater integration of the tactical battle board.  Counters, cards, player mats, and a host of scenarios round out a solid package for a true multi-player wargame with a heavy political layer that will keep your game group grogging for the long haul.  March over their Kickstarter campaign and tithe your gold to the lords of wargaming.



Tuesday Screenshot – Airship Dragoon

Airship Dragoon – facing down the Americans

Vincent Kowolik, 10 March 2015

click to enlarge


It has to be alternate history if they took down the US, eh?

Share your screenshots here >>

GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #61

Kick off the new year right – pledge some games!  Our first GARPA of 2015 (that still sounds weird, eh?) is an eclectic mix of games and game-related gizmos to get your monetary juices flowing…


Battle Brothers (Overhype Studio)
Steam Greenlight

It’s got both the strategic-level map and the tactical battles on the zoom-in level.  The storyline is a little trite – you’re a mercenary out for treasure and fame – but there is a large world-changing backstory that eventually finds its way to you.  They’re promising a wide variety of enemies and maps, including newly-generated world and tactical maps for each new game.  So give the campaign a look-see and offer some support for getting this one pushed through.  It’s visually appealing, and any good mix of strategic and tactical gameplay in a single package is always worthy of some attention.


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #53

The first GARPA of football season brings you a variety of gaming projects for you to throw your backing behind, and includes (gasp!) digital games!  Also of note is that none of these have hit their funding goals yet, so they all need your help.


Hitler’s Reich (GMT Games)
P500 price $48, not there yet

GMT recently dropped 5 new games on their p500 system, but Hitler’s Reich is the one that grabbed our attention as being the first of a new series of strategic level card-based games.  We can’t wait to see some art samples, as a fast-playing game that lets your re-fight WWII while still incorporating key personalities like Patton and Zhukov.  An economics model truly puts this at the “full-theater” level and if it really can be played in one sitting, then it’s totally worth dropping your pre-order dime at GMT’s site.
