Tag Archives: Miniatures Gaming

GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #77

Hey now, it’s been a few weeks, so we thought we’d throw another GARPA at you.  Plus, y’know, we had it on the schedule and all…

Brant Guillory, 18 September 2015


Mech Deck (Patrick Fahy)
$19k of $75k, ends 1 October 2015

These guys may have over-reached with the funding goal, but it’s because they’re committed to the quality of the manufacturing.  “Manufacturing what?” you ask.  Customizable, multi-component, build-your-own mech-walker-battle-droid-giant-fighting-thingees (trying to avoid inadvertently violating someone’s copyright here, work with me).  It’s a hex-and-minis skirmish game, but with mech figures that you can literally assemble on-the-fly to customize your arms, torso, legs, and “backpack” (back of torso) to make your own mech and then duke it out for bragging rights, or beer.   There’s some card-based randomizing as well as a geomorphic map.  Stomp over to the campaign page and fire off your pledge.


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #73

GARPA eschews all hexes for something different this week,

The Day of the Rangers  (Radio Dishdash Publishing Ltd.)
$320 of $4600, ends 23 August 2015

A combination of both rules and minis, this newly-launched game series has built their first expansion around the (in)famous BlackHawk Down battle in Mogadishu.  The figures are excellent and could easily be re-used in any number of post-Cold War games.  The campaign page also includes some 360° videos of the sample sculpts, so fast-rope over to their page and see how much you want to plunk down.



Classic Reviews: Tide of Iron

Review by Brant Guillory, 4 February 2015



So you may have heard about this little shooting match that happened waaaaaaaay back in the ‘40s? Started out when the Germans decided they needed a little more elbow room and they decided that Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and most of Western Europe was perfectly suited to their needs? No? Buddy, you really need to read up on your WWII history.

Tide of Iron is a hex-and-figures boardgame (a combination gaining in popularity) covering actions between the US and German forces on the Western Front in WWII. It is played at the tactical level – squads of soldiers and individual vehicles – and decked out in Fantasy Flight’s trademark gorgeous components and graphics.

Tide of Iron also supports a four-player mode, in which teams play each side; the pieces are color-coordinated in two different shades to support this multiplayer mode.


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #61

Kick off the new year right – pledge some games!  Our first GARPA of 2015 (that still sounds weird, eh?) is an eclectic mix of games and game-related gizmos to get your monetary juices flowing…


Battle Brothers (Overhype Studio)
Steam Greenlight

It’s got both the strategic-level map and the tactical battles on the zoom-in level.  The storyline is a little trite – you’re a mercenary out for treasure and fame – but there is a large world-changing backstory that eventually finds its way to you.  They’re promising a wide variety of enemies and maps, including newly-generated world and tactical maps for each new game.  So give the campaign a look-see and offer some support for getting this one pushed through.  It’s visually appealing, and any good mix of strategic and tactical gameplay in a single package is always worthy of some attention.


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #57

Brant Guillory, 24 October 2014

Your semi-weekly wallet-wounding world of wonder!

Wilderness Empires (Worthington Publishing)
$8k of $5k goal, ends 2 December 2014

The French and Indian War, and the associated wars before and after leading up to the American War of Independence, have fascinated gamers for their mix of exploration, politics, colonial combat, and multi-sided mayhem.  Worthington throws their hat in the ring with a fascinating game that mixes historical details with quick gameplay and includes a solo capability.  It’s got a block-and-card look that seems eerily familiar to those that have played Columbia games in the past, but the cards are distinct events and the units include the key leaders that made the colonial wars such a fascinating period.  Stretch goals are still being met, and there’s plenty of time to add more, so sail over to Kickstarter and get your pledge in.
