Tag Archives: Ancient

GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #68

Wargames, skipper!  Off the starboard bow!

Trenton 1776 (Worthington Games)
$14,000 of $2500 goal, ends 21 April 2015

The Worthington Gang is back with another battle from the American War of Independence, and this time it’s Washington’s iconic river-crossing-to-surprise-the-drunk-Hessians-on-Christmas campaign.  And let’s face it, the Battle of Trenton was pretty much the high-water-mark for the historical “good things that have happened in New Jersey” list.  It’s part of a series that Worthington kicked off with New York 1776, and expect more to come.  So march on over to their Kickstarter campaign and fire off your pledge to snag one while they’re hot.



GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #66

GARPA AT SEEEEEEAAAAA!  OK, not just afloat, but there’s a pair of naval-heavy games for you this week to go with some gargantuan aircraft and more RPG hi-jinks.


Captain’s Sea (GMT Games)
P500 – Made the cut!  P500 price $45, MSRP $65

A ship-to-ship combat game with a mixture of a square grid (!) and octagonal counters (!!) that covers the actions of the fledgling US Navy in the early 1800s.  Battles include US ships against both British and French opponents, and focus on commanding a single ship through skillful maneuvering and solid crew allocations to weapons and rigging.  Flying monkeys and subsurface atomic bombs round out your arsenals (just kidding!).  Sail over to GMT while it’s still ‘officially’ on p500, but know that you’re going to get it, since it made the cut and is going to head to production sometime soon.


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #63

Gimme a G!  Gimme an A!  Gimme an ARRRRRR!  Gimme a P!  Gimme an A!

 Click images to enlarge

Theomachy (Petersen Games)
$46k of $20k, ends 2 March 2015

Sandy Petersen, the brains behind Cthulhu Wars, is back with another supernatural smack-down.  Theomachy pits the multiverse of gods against each other (and the Cthulhuians, too!)  Ever wonder what would happen if the Egyptian and Norse deities clashed?  Well, you can dig out your vintage-1981 Deities & Demigods book, or you can hop on the Theomachy train and battle it out in this interesting card game with equal parts strategy, poker-style bluffing, and drop-dead-gorgeous artwork.  Power struggle?  Well yeah!  That’s pretty much the point, isn’t it?


GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #60

Look, we know you don’t have a bunch of coin to drop on games right before Christmas.  So we tried to find GARPA entries that don’t close until after 25 December, so you can refund that soap-on-a-rope and put the cash towards what you really want – MOAR GAMEZ!


Night of Man (Flying Pig Games)
$8500 of $11000, ends 31 December 2014

Well, Mark sure didn’t wait too long to get his new venture launched.  Flying Pig Games has been open about 5 weeks, and already has Night of Man on Kickstarter and chugging towards publication.  A military sci-fi game that features an alien invasion of Earth, Night of Man’s card-driven mechanics will help non-Grogs get into the game, and that data-rich counters will appeal to your inner wargamer.   Stretch goals include more maps, new alien races, and additional scenarios.  Yes, it’s a new company, but it’s hardly an inexperienced one, so pledge with confidence and save the world.



Tuesday Screenshot – Field of Glory

18 November 2014

A big-time Field of Glory butt-kicking.


Slavs Rule OK! (Even if my C-in-C was killed in the battle!)

Slavs Rule OK! (Even if my C-in-C was killed in the battle!)


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