Category Archives: Whatever

Civil War II – An After Action Report!


In this multi-part AAR of Ageod’s Civil War II (“CWII”), I will be playing as the Union.  I have very little experience in this game, so I will doubtlessly make a lot of mistakes along the way. I’ve set up the game with the following options:



Space Beast Terror Fright, oh my!


A little background…I was there when the FPS was invented [que the angels singing], Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament, in the beginning I played them all.  Sure, time has marched on, reflexes have dimmed, no more snatching the pebble out of the master’s hand.  However, Two hours of play time with Space Beast Terror Fright (“SBTF”), or as I like to call it, “how I can die a dozen times in a half hour simulator”, and an impression has definitely been left on me with a giant kick to my ass!



Order of Battle – Red Star


Red Star is the twelfth scenario package for Order of Battle World War 2 and the first commanding Russian forces.  This review is based on four completed Lieutenant level difficulty games played during the first three weeks of release.  Red Star was purchased for $14.99 and played on a two-year-old Falcon Northwest Talon.

Avery Abernethy,


Consulate Crisis! Part 5 – A Command: Modern Air Naval Operations and Combat Mission Shock Force AAR



The Marines make landfall and as promised, it is with a bang. Timed to coincide with the first wave hitting the beach, a host of Maverick AGM armed Hornets and Harriers are unleashed against Regime forces. In just one minute, the city is continuously rocked by consecutive explosions as Maverick missiles and JDAMs connect with targets throughout the city.


By: IICptMillerII,

Consulate Crisis! Part 4 – A Command: Modern Air Naval Operations and Combat Mission Shock Force AAR



At 1011 hours local time (0911 zulu) Task Force Wasp arrives off the coast of Al Mout and begins preparing for disembarkation. To support the Marines, a large number of aircraft from both the Wasp and Enterprise are launched and settle into their on call air stations. By 1022 local, all aircraft are at their stations and the Marines are ready to disembark.


By: IICptMillerII,