Tag Archives: Video

Spearpoint 1943 with Designer Byron Collins – BONUS

Byron had sent some videos our way.  And in classic GrogHeads “we’re-making-this-up-as-we-go” style, we forgot to include them in this weekend’s post decided to devote a new article just for them, since they’re so outstandingly awesome.

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TANKSgiving 2013 – Getcher Tank On

Kicking off our annual TANKSgiving week celebration of all things armor, enjoy some tank pr0n…


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Origins 2013 – Frontline General Gameplay Video

Brant Guillory, 20 June 2013

Byron Collins, of Collins Epic Wargames, takes a moment out of Origins to show off  how the Frontline General game works.


And don’t forget that they’ve got an Eastern Front expansion on Kickstarter, too.

Video Review of Logitech G13 Gameboard

Son of Montfort, 26 December 2012

The Electronic Eremite checks out Logitech’s new gameboard.


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Video: Tools of the Trade

by Christoper Beck, 9 December 2012


The Electronic Eremite helps newcomers to the minis world get ramped up with an overview of the essentials for painting.

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