Tag Archives: Cyrano

Dragon’ Up The Past – Week 4, Mano-a-Mano

Hey, someone is listening, right? ~

Brant & Jim, 17 November 2017

Man-to-man combat takes center stage in this episode, as we explore the roots of gaming through the lens of old issues of Dragon Magazine

Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where this one came from – there’s 197 issues still to go!

Chat about it below, or in our forums, or hit our FaceBook page >>

Deep Thoughts on Field of Glory 2

Are the roots of FoG2 found in tabletop minis? ~

Jim Owczarski, 11 November 2017

There’s not an awful lot of point in doing a straight review of a game like “Field of Glory 2” (hereafter FoG2) in a venue like this one.  After all, we are a fairly aware lot and share information about the games we get, like, and dislike quickly.  By now, you have all likely heard the game is the best of its kind in this generation (it is) and that it surpasses its only real competition — Interactive Magic’s much-admired “Great Battles” series.  Were this the whole story I’d recommend slapping an “Order of the Hex” on the thing and moving on.

I think, though, many reviewers have missed the importance of FoG2’s roots in tabletop miniatures gaming, roots that have made this such a remarkably strong offering.  Therefore, I would like, in place of a proper review, to point out five things that FoG2 took from the world of little lead men that make it so very special.

Dragon’ Up The Past – Week 3, Gary was pissed

Waaaaaay back into the vault for this one ~

Brant & Jim, 10 November 2017

Slip on your bell-bottoms as we go way back to an old issue of Dragon Magazine, and check out 1970s-vintage wargaming awards, a very angry editorial from Gary Gygax, a textual hype-man, and the first appearance of the Ninja NPC.

Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where this one came from – there’s 198 issues still to go!

Chat about it below, or in our forums, or hit our FaceBook page >>

Dragon’ Up The Past – Week 2, Voting on the Classics

It’s time for some more explorations into the history of the hobby ~

Brant & Jim, 3 November 2017

Another trip into the Dragon Magazine archives, as we skip around the history of the hobby.

Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where this one came from – there’s 199 issues still to go!

Chat about it below, or in our forums, or hit our FaceBook page >>

Modern-Day Napoleonic Battles & Travels, Part the Fourth

Wherein our intrepid traveler deigns to report his on-the-ground experiences ~

Jim Owczarski, 28 October 2017

I suppose it is prudent to begin in the middle, at least as far as my trip is concerned, with my one-day drive to Schleiz and Saalfeld.

When I began traveling to Europe a lot of years ago my photographic weapon of choice was an old warhorse of a Konica 35mm SLR.  Built to last and weighing nearly enough to deny it modern carry-on status, its film had to be changed dexterously and in the dark.  I can recall having to do it more than once with my hands inside an empty duffle bag.   One never knew if a particular photograph had turned out until developed weeks later — remember Fotomat? — and, more than anything else, the cost of film and developing set a hard limit on the number of pictures one was prepared to take.

Things are different now.  I’ve spent the weeks since returning from my journey to Germany going over the thousands – yes thousands – of photographs I took of Jena-Auerstedt and other battlefields on my iPhone trying to figure out which ones tell this story best; or, honestly, even how to begin telling it.