Tag Archives: Aerial Combat

GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #89

GARPA returns for more pre-order goodies ~


HOLDFAST: North Africa 1941-42  (Worthington Publishing)
$21k of $2500, ends 15 March 2016

Worthington’s Holdfast series is back.  After Russia and Korea, they guys head to North Africa.  The standard Holdfast features are back, with fog of war, fast play times, and engaging turn sequences that keep players constantly guessing about what’s up next.  Like every other North Africa game, you need a table that’s about 24 inches wide and 28374652938762 feet long, but you’ll be chasing panzers across the sands before you know it.  Rumble over to their campaign page and you can fire off your pledge.



Book Review: Crosswind

An adventure yarn of another time and place, but grounded in familiar themes that take the reader on an an enjoyable ride through intrigue and aerial derring-do.

Brant Guillory, 18 December 2015

Crosswind is Steve Rzasa’s first book about the Sark brothers, Winchell and Copernicus.  Winchell is a journalist at a small newspaper, and his brother is a pilot, in the frontier town of Perch.

crosswindThe brothers stumble into an intrigue filled plot involving a larger town to their South known as Trestleway.
While Cope is the adventurous brother, alternating between stunt pilot antics in the air and ladies man smoothness on the ground, Winch is the conservative family man with a wife and children.  The brothers stumble upon the mystery when Cope flies his brother out to the wreck of another aircraft to take pictures and write a story for the newspaper. I rather unfriendly gentleman masquerading as a local rancher tries to steal a coded message that the brothers discover in the aircraft wreckage. It turns out this man is from Trestleway, and the coded message is a warning of an impending “invasion” that was being flown in by the nephew of Perch’s mayor-general.

The brothers are sent to investigate, and report back to home. Along the way, they discover a variety of intrigue, and a few interesting technical – and mystical – tricks up Trestleway’s sleeves.

GrogHeads Advanced Research on Projects Advisory #76

OK, so we’ve got something completely different for you this week.

Brant Guillory, 4 September 2015


Hawk The Hunter (Terry Marcel)
$19k of $500k, ends 1 OCT 2015

Remember the old fantasy flick Hawk the Slayer?  Of course you do.  You totally plundered it for campaign ideas for your early no-prefix D&D games.  Jack Palance chewing scenery.  The hokey rapid-fire elf-archer effects.  The cross-necklace-of-course-it’s-a-hidden-knife saving the day at the end.  Well it’s taken them 30 years, but they finally got around to trying to make the sequel, and they’re kickstarting it.  You can start at $5, and score the RiffTrax quip-along, and top out at a couple of grand that gets you a part in the movie.  Why are you still here instead of pledging the campaign?  Oh right, you’re here to watch the movie.

Screenshot Feature: Ace Patrol Pacific Skies

Sauron heads out to the Pacific for an aerial shootout.

Vincent Kowolik, 12 August 2015

[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”15″]

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Wing Leader – First Look!

Vance gives us the first peek at what’s inside Wing Leader

Vance Strickland, 5 August 2015

Click images to enlarge


Great cover art on the box!