Grogheads AAR! Field of Glory 2: Swifter Than Eagles


Swifter Than Eagles is the latest DLC for Field of Glory 2, developed by Byzantine Games and published by Slitherine Ltd. It covers the very dawn of ancient “civilized” warfare from circa 2,500 BC to approximately 500 BC. Grab your Khopesh and mount a chariot as Boggit attempts to ride into into battle for the glory of Egypt and King Rameses II.


By: Boggit

Grogheads Impressions – Starship Troopers Terran Command


Starship Troopers: Terran Command is the upcoming real-time strategy game developed by the Aristocrats (Order of Battle) and published by Slitherine Ltd.  Due for release on June 16th, PC gamers will soon have the opportunity to once again take command of the Mobile Infantry in combat against the Arachnid threat.  Eager for Federal Citizenship, Grogheads enlists to do its part and ensure that wargames – not MOBAs, dominate the galaxy!


Would you?

By: Craig Handler

Tuesday Screenshots! Warhammer 40,000 Battlesector


Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector is a turn-based strategy game set in the aftermath of a brutal Tyranid infestation of the planet Baal, homeworld of the Blood Angels chapter of Adeptus Astartes.  Developer Black Lab Games and publisher Slitherine Ltd. recently released the first major DLC unleashing a new faction onto the field of battle, the ancient Necron.  Here at Grogheads, however, we’re still totally obsessed with the Emperor’s Finest!  Join along with Boggit and his Primaris recruits as he plays through the original single-player campaign, but please stay tuned for our upcoming coverage of the primordial Necron.


By: Boggit

Grogheads Interviews! Vic Reijkersz of VR Designs, Round 2

thumbnail DECISIVE CAMPAIGN Ardennes Art

Not long after VR Designs released the critically acclaimed strategy masterpiece Shadow Empire, we had the chance to sit down with its creator,Victor Reijkersz, to pick his brain.  As huge fans of all titles released by VR Designs, we just had so much to talk about that we simply could not fit it all into one exchange.  Since our first session, VR Designs went and released another fantastic title, Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive. This exciting release and thrilling new chapter in the popular Decisive Campaigns series served as the perfect excuse to hunt Vic down for another session of Q and A!

thumbnail DECISIVE CAMPAIGN Ardennes Art

By: Boggit

Grogheads Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide! Hail, Hail, The Gang’s All Here

Imperial guards

I always hated the oft quoted (and misquoted) phrase; “No man is an island”.  No man is a pizza, either.  But I do get the sentiment.  Essentially it means that being part of a team is better than being alone.  And that is absolutely true when the thin veneer of society falls away.  When things are bad, a team is essential to survival. Mad Max roaming the dystopian wasteland wouldn’t last long at all. Movies and TV often feature the sole figure surviving alone, but one guy out in the wild can’t stand guard while he sleeps, can’t flank an enemy and has no contingency plan for unexpected mayhem.  There are loads of other things one person can’t do, not to mention it can get lonely as hell when the only other beings out there want to kill you and or eat you.  Having a team is probably one of the factors that most greatly increases the odds of survival during very bad times. Your immediate family may be that team, but then again, it may not.

Imperial guards

The post-apocalyptic family

By: Jonathan Glazer