Monthly Archives: June 2013

Tuesday Screenshot

Tuesday Screenshot June 18 2013 CMFI screenshot

In the distance the smoke rising from the burning wrecks of the Hun’s tanks blemishes an otherwise beautiful view.  The tank beneath me slowly rumbles forward as I can hear the main gun being reloaded behind me.  Ahead lays a vineyard that will soon be destroyed.  I take no pleasure in destroying the livelihood of another, but it stands in my path to the enemy.  In this moment beyond the destruction of my enemy nothing else matters, all else is forfeit.  The thought of this scares me but I know it is what must be done.  So much has been changed by this war, so much is different.  These thoughts, this singled minded drive for destruction, I did not always think like this … what have I become?


By Dan Pinkham

Game: Combat Mission: Fortress Italy

Origins 2013 – Wargames!

Hey, look – we’re Grogs, right?  Which means we’re looking for wargames, right?  Despite the whining and moaning on Consimworld that someone’s favorite game company wasn’t there, Origins has plenty of wargaming – if you bother to look for it.  We’ve already shown you Collins Epic Wargames, but here are some of the other wargaming found at Origins in 2013.

Academy Games

They’re not exclusively wargaming, but their wargames are attracting a ton of positive attention from grogs and general boardgamers alike.

Conflict of Heroes is still attracting a ton of walk-up interest at the Academy Games table

Conflict of Heroes is still attracting a ton of walk-up interest at the Academy Games table


Academy also has a new AWI game built on the same system as A Few Acres of Snow

Academy also has a new AWI game built on the same system as A Few Acres of Snow

Origins Announces Award Winners

Straight from the show, here are last night’s winners of the 2013 Origins Awards, with the press release from GAMA:

COLUMBUS, OH (June 15, 2013) The Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design is proud to announce the winners for the 39th Annual Origins Awards.
The Origins Awards are presented annually by the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design to recognize outstanding achievement in design and production of games and game-related products.
The winners were voted on by attendees at the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, OH on June 12th – June 16th from the nominees in each category chosen by retailers at the GAMA Trade Show. The winners were announced at the Origins Awards Ceremony on the evening of Saturday, June 15th.

Origins 2013 – Some Highlights

By Brant Guillory, 15 June 2013

The Lighting-Fast Run Through Origins 2013

Seven hours.  Yep – seven.  That’s all I had to cram in as much of Origins as I possibly could.  I had one day, a press pass, a borrowed digital camera, and Bayonet Jr in tow, and it was a mad dash through a pretty freakin’ big game convention.  Plenty more pictures will follow, but I wanted to start with some highlights…

Collins Epic Wargames

We highlighted one of their upcoming expansions in a recent GARPA column, and the Frontline General game is the cornerstone of Byron’s line.  But he was also showing off a sci-fi minis game with a nifty little command mechanic.


Byron Collins working hard


Frontline General in the foreground, and sci-fin minis coolness (Polyversal) in the background

Spring Recruits 13 Freeblades Tournament

A Hero Shall Rise!

A report from Jon – 14 June 2013

And look for DGS Games at Origins!


Ed Note: don’t forget to check out DGS’s current Kickstarter campaign!

Our third official tournament was a great success. The format was 200 gold Freebands, with the twist that only the Leader and Caster heroes could be taken. The rest of the freebands had to be followers, with one surviving follower rising up to hero level after each round. The format brought about some interesting situations, seeing massive pile-ons, but also mass panic! And then there is the rise of the Thug follower to hero status, which due to his END of d8 made him a 3 LP hero, with Die Hard on a d10!