Category Archives: Reviews

Groghead’s First Look! Field of Glory: Empires – Persia 550 – 330 BCE


It was a great day when Slitherine announced that the original Field of Glory – Empires (FoG:E) would link to Field of Glory 2 (FoG2) and allow players to fight out the campaign’s battles in a tactical turn-based format. As I concluded in the Groghead’s FoG:E review, the system succeeded! I never had one stutter, bump or crash when switching between the two systems, or in the games themselves for that matter.

What did happen, though, is that the campaigns were very long. This is still the case with the new FoG:E DLC released this week for Persia (Persia 550BC-330BC) – I’ll acronym it as FoG:P. I fired it up for the first time yesterday, chose Persia immediately and played for two hours. How many turns did I complete?


By: Gusington

Grogheads Reviews! Order of Battle: Red Steel

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Order of Battle: Red Steel is Slitherine’s second DLC in the trilogy of campaigns fought from the perspective of the Soviet Union. The campaign continues right after the end of the Red Star DLC, and players can import their veteran core army saved in Red Star and play them in the new DLC with all previously unlocked commanders and specializations.  Join Avery Abernethy and a resurgent Soviet Army as they put the German war machine and Slitherine’s latest DLC title  to the test.

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By: Avery Abernethy,

Space Beast Terror Fright, oh my!


A little background…I was there when the FPS was invented [que the angels singing], Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament, in the beginning I played them all.  Sure, time has marched on, reflexes have dimmed, no more snatching the pebble out of the master’s hand.  However, Two hours of play time with Space Beast Terror Fright (“SBTF”), or as I like to call it, “how I can die a dozen times in a half hour simulator”, and an impression has definitely been left on me with a giant kick to my ass!



Order of Battle – Red Star


Red Star is the twelfth scenario package for Order of Battle World War 2 and the first commanding Russian forces.  This review is based on four completed Lieutenant level difficulty games played during the first three weeks of release.  Red Star was purchased for $14.99 and played on a two-year-old Falcon Northwest Talon.

Avery Abernethy,


Grogheads Is Loving Field of Glory: Empires!


If you’ve been reading the Groghead’s front page for the last week or so you have seen the couple of teaser articles we published in anticipation of the Field of Glory: Empires (FogE) launch on July 11. It has been a while since a PC strategy game has generated the kind of excitement that we have seen in our forums.  So, we’re going to continue with our coverage here to hold you over until our detailed review is ready – the only difference being that you all can now play the game along with us. We even have a massive MP game set to kick-off on July 18 between 16 different GH forum members!

Lloyd Sabin,


Its launched!