Category Archives: Featured Posts

Grogheads Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide! Hail, Hail, The Gang’s All Here

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I always hated the oft quoted (and misquoted) phrase; “No man is an island”.  No man is a pizza, either.  But I do get the sentiment.  Essentially it means that being part of a team is better than being alone.  And that is absolutely true when the thin veneer of society falls away.  When things are bad, a team is essential to survival. Mad Max roaming the dystopian wasteland wouldn’t last long at all. Movies and TV often feature the sole figure surviving alone, but one guy out in the wild can’t stand guard while he sleeps, can’t flank an enemy and has no contingency plan for unexpected mayhem.  There are loads of other things one person can’t do, not to mention it can get lonely as hell when the only other beings out there want to kill you and or eat you.  Having a team is probably one of the factors that most greatly increases the odds of survival during very bad times. Your immediate family may be that team, but then again, it may not.

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The post-apocalyptic family

By: Jonathan Glazer

Grogheads Interviews – Steve Grammont of Battlefront!

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For more than twenty years, the team at Battlefront has developed and published a host of classic wargames that have been hailed by many as some of the best in the genre. Most notably, Battlefront developed the timeless and long-running Combat Mission tactical wargame series, beginning in 2000 with the release of Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord and most recently with the 2021 release of Combat Mission: Cold War.  In addition, Battlefront has published other popular wargame series, such as Strategic Command and Theater of War.

We finally had the opportunity to sit down with Steve Grammont, one of the founders of Battlefront, to talk about the history of Battlefront, the Combat Mission series and some exciting new things that may be on the horizon.

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By: Boggit

Grogheads AAR! JTS Kiev ’43


After the Battle of Kursk in July of 1943, the Russians launched a number of successive campaigns to once and for all kick the Germans out of Russia. One of the major objectives of these campaigns was to cross the Dnepr River line and liberate Kiev, the third largest city in the Soviet Union.  Intent on proving that the proud legacy of John Tiller will carry on,  JTS has released its latest title in the long running Panzer Campaigns series: Kiev ’43.

Take command of the depleted 4th Panzerarmee and the 8th Army forces to defend against the Soviet onslaught. On the allied side, as the commander of the Russian 1st Ukrainian Front, players will have several armies at their disposal to defeat the German Wehrmacht.  Included are scenarios that let you recreate all four phases of the campaign from the battle in the Bukrin bridgehead to the final battle near Korosten where the Germans made one last attempt to destroy the Russian forces and roll on to victory.

Mount up with Boggit as he takes command of the Soviet forces in this exciting after action report!


By: Boggit

Grogheads Impressions: WarPlan Pacific!

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WarPlan Pacific is the latest World War 2 strategy game released by Slitherine/Matrix Games and developed by Kraken Studios.  It is an operational level wargame covering all the nations at war in the Pacific theater of operations from December 1941 to 1945, on a massive game scale.  Using the same game system as its predecessor, WarPlan Europe, WarPlan Pacific ships with many additional features and improvements. We took WarPlan Pacific for a spin to give you our initial impressions on just how well the mechanics of the game system translate to the war in the Pacific.

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By: Boggit

Grogheads Developer Interview! KatHawk Studios

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Grogheads recently had the opportunity to meet with Steve Hawkins, the man behind KatHawk Studios, developer of the upcoming Sci-Fi 4x strategy title Alliance of the Sacred Suns (“AotSS”).  Taking place a thousand years in the future, humanity stands on the brink of collapse. Noble Great Houses belonging to the last human empire compete for control over a deteriorating feudal state on the brink of a new interstellar dark age. Players take on the role of a young newly crowned emperor or empress who carries the last glimmer of hope for a brighter future among the stars.

Described as a “grand strategy game, with 4X elements, but also character and House management,” AotSS adds a 5th ‘X’ to the 4x formula, which the developer calls ‘eXist’.  AotSS differs from most other 4x strategy titles in that game play centers around the development of the player’s character, who will rule by interacting with other characters in order to develop a web of beneficial relationships.  These characters must be appointed into central roles within the player’s government in order to carry out the players directions and objectives.

If games like Master of Orion, Stellaris and Crusader Kings interest you, read on to gain more insight into this very exciting upcoming title.

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Alliance of the Sacred Suns

By: Craig Handler