Category Archives: Civ V Africa

The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 3)

Conquering Africa in one of Civilization 5’s special scenarios

By Brant Guillory, GrogDude

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Last episode, we exchanged handshakes with a few Europeans, and hit the ‘pause’ button in our war on the Zulus.


Caravan bros before “Caravan, ho!”s
I don’t have many places to send this thing, so I’ll send it to Zukeland for now, and expect that it’ll get recalled when I’m ready to return to whuppin’ ass.



Exploring to the West
Well, apparently there are Canadians Barbarians in sub-Saharan Africa.  And that Zulu settler that got away?  He’s planted a city to the upper right on this view.

The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 2)

We started off with a bang…  dropped two cities, then drop-kicked the Zulus into a war.

By Brant Guillory, GrogDude

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So here goes the start of turn 2 or so.  I mean, really – why waste time where there’s this much tail to kick?


Yes Dude, I got it…
You’re unhappy that I’m about to whip your butt.


Her majesty is upset at my land-grab.  I’d rather her mad at me now than cultivating my vineyards on turn 11.


Another of those wacky victory conditions
Finding natural wonders scores points for the Europeans.

The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 1)

An all-new Civilization 5 AAR from Brant, taking a stab at the Scramble for Africa scenario

By Brant Guillory, GrogDude

Click images to enlarge

So here goes with a new Civ 5 AAR. This time I’m playing a definied scenario, which will include special rules, as well as a set ‘stop point’ to limit how open-ended this otherwise becomes.  So let’s kick off a new AAR series, and dive back into Civilization 5.  Enjoy!


The Scramble for Africa
It’s a new scenario that sounds very busy, so I’m curious what might come out of this. It seems as though the exploring is focused on finding other people, rather than finding new lands, so it’s a departure from my comfort zone, for sure.


Paul Kruger… Hmmmm…
You don’t get to play the Boers in any other Civ 5 game, so I’ll grab these guys. They repurposed the image of George Washington, but that’s fine. Not going to see him too much anyway. There are a few other Civ’s whose leaders were renamed, even if some of the images stuck around, like when Garibaldi subs in as the Italian leader, with Caesar’s leader portrait.
