The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 17)

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How do you like your Africa, sir? Poached? or Scrambled?

By Brant Guillory, GrogDude

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Last month we suddenly got some shade thrown our way by our erstwhile “allies” with whom we’d been all buddy-buddy for the entire game. This time? Let’s see…


It looks like I’m way ahead, and in a base game, I’d be totally cool with that. But I have no idea if there is any end-of-game scoring in this scenario, or how it would apply.


Moving Through
I need to get some guys home through French territory. No way we can just swap open-borders treaties right now with everyone getting an attitude with me lately, so I’m going to have to bribe him.


Our Lancerscout Can Get Through Now
We just wanted to look around at what was up there.


Whenever I can get Medic promotions, I try to take them. Especially if my army is going to packed together in a small space where those promotions can start to stack with each other – we get pretty hard to kill.


Southern Frontier
The Anglish have the most immediate military concern for me, as they’ve been antagonistic all game long.


Screen Line
But I’m also parking the cavalry where they can keep an eye on several places.


Re-establishing Contact
After denouncing me and recalling her ambassador, Vicky wants to maybe kiss and make up?


Not Worth It
There’s 1 turn left in the game and a mine will take 4 turns to build. I’m going to disband this guy for some money.


Croly Hap!
I guess with only 1 turn left, Vicky decided to frisky. Here they come.



What a backstabbing pissant. I’ve been her anti-Anglish shield the entire game, trading with her and (generally) letting her go on her little birthrate-induced land grabs. And this is what I get?!
I didn’t snap the screens, but Germany, Belgium, and France all declared war on me, too.


And The Damage Rolls In
Did they hire Sherman when I wasn’t looking? 6 farms and a plantation destroyed. Apparently Explorers can do some damage, since they’re half the pillagers. But no matter! Why?


Because I Win, That’s Why!
Somehow I managed to win the points race. These guys can suck it. I win.

Overall? It’s not a bad scenario, but it’s not one I’m in a hurry to play again. There are some interesting mechanics, like the explorers wandering around, and the Boers as a playable faction. But the whole thing feels more disjointed than an untested FFG design. There are 3 distinct groups of civilizations playing 3 different games, all on the same map. The scorekeeping might well be balanced, but everyone’s keeping score a different way, and that’s not really conducive to an entertaining game, in my book. I’d rather everyone be running toward the same finish line so I can more easily gauge my progress.
I hope you, the reader, enjoyed this one, and we’ll what gets played next when I get the urge to play something else.

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