Civ5 AAR: Empires of the Smoky Skies, Part IIII
War and peace and smoky skies ~
By Brant Guillory, GrogDude
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Last session, the war against Pulias to our north came and went. And oh yeah, I’ve got spies that I needed to send.
Freakin’ Canadians
I guess I’m not building a road in that direction. And why the heck do we have archers in a steampunk scenario?
Not just any engineer, a great engineer!
Yeah, it’s not any funnier when we move it out of Africa.
Local improvements
You can cut a forest only once, but you can harvest it a lot.
We’re running out of people to meet. There’s only 5 nations in the game.
{Cue triumphal march music}
The important thing about the Brandenburg Gate isn’t the XP upgrade to the units, but the free general you get with it.
See that ka-chunkada up there?
Hey, funny how I just got a free great general, too. So I smell foreshadowing?
Social policy?
Yes, please. I’ll take the one that helps bump up the speed at which I earn future policies.
More local improvements
There’s plenty of unimproved terrain around here to work on.
There’s our general
Leading from the front!
Time to piss off our neighbors some more
We’re building a citadel. We’re going on a land grab, and we’re planting a major obstacle in his way if he gets frisky and tries to come south. Win-win all around. For me, at least.
Land grab!
There’s our new turf.
Instant fortifications, just add general!
And there’s our star-shaped ass-kicking defensive line that Pulias is going to have to work around if they want to roll our way.
What’s over the horizon?
That other continent that needs some exploring.
Further north?
There’s a few more city-states (for now) and some more uncharted terrain for me to explore.
I’m using privateers as exploratory naval units. And we’re off to the back side of this continent. Let’s see what else is there.
Cyrus wants a chat
He wants open borders. And he’s willing to pay for them. Of all the things you can trade in the Civ series of games, a right of passage is the last thing I prefer to give up.
Linköping is growing
And we’re going to work on some domestic construction. We need some happiness and we need our production boosted.
It’s all…. (wait for it… wait for it…) MINE!
Now that our city footprint has expanded, we’ve got some mine-able resources in our radius.
More domestic expansion
Need some citrus to get our smoothie production up.
And I’m the anti-Che.
I’m an economic imperialist. Hear me roar.
No wars this time, just some sorely-needed construction and expansion. Next time? Maybe a war? We’ll see…
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