Monthly Archives: October 2017

What’s Gus Playing? Episode 1

A new regular read from the Halfling of Happiness ~

Lloyd Sabin, 2 October 2017

Hey all. It’s been a while, you know with real life getting in the way. To make up for lost time, BB and I thought it wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world to start a new weekly piece, cleverly entitled What’s Gus Playing {insert obvious joke here}.

This first installment covers my last few hours with the absolutely gorgeous, quite impressive full conversion mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, named Enderal, developed by German modder and AI tinkerer SureAI. This link will take you to the pertinents, including where and how to download.

The actual modding process is extremely well documented and pretty painless, especially if you have been modding PC games since before Steam workshop and know The Struggle that modding used to be like.

I’ve already put in about 25-30 hours into the Enderal mod. According to the internet I am about half of the way through the intricate story line, and it is just as good or better than a lot of professionally developed games. That is on top of the ~150 hours I’ve put in to the Skyrim base game and most of the DLCs. It’s hard to believe the game is 6+ years old. Which begs the question…where is the next Elder Scrolls game? But…I digress. Below are some screen shots of What I’ve Been Playing for the last few days. I think you’ll agree they are quite impressive. And if you don’t agree well I never liked you that much anyway.

Look at the detail here. You can see that the creators really loved what they were doing and developed Enderal with a loving hand.

Alien vs Predator – First Look!

Michael digs into the sci-fi shootout game ~

Michael Eckenfels, 2 October 2017

Digging into a battle game with a pair of iconic sci-fi franchises facing off… again.

More coming on this one in the future…

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