The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 9)
Scrambling in Africa
By Brant Guillory, GrogDude
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The Boers are starting to put their stamp on Africa, and trying not to get squeezed in the process.
Developing the other culture track
Very short scenario = limited cultural development, so there aren’t many degrees of freedom here to pick from.
As Long As We’re Being Cultured
We’ll cut into the cost of future policies, while simultaneously adding culture-producing buildings.
You Sir, Are Elevated To The Royal Order of The High Lance, Second Award
Our lancer is getting promoted, and since the point of putting him out there was to double as a scout, we’re giving him the Sentry promotion.
Do You See What I See?
With his expanded field of view, he spots as barbarian cav unit near Zanzibar, and immediately impales the poor SOB.
More Farming
I suppose we should all pause and revel in the irony here: Mugabe treats Zimbabwe as the second coming of the Zulu empire, and, well, isn’t it downright Zimbabwean of them that there’s a giant f’n’ wheat field adjacent to the capital that’s not being farmed at all? It’s almost as if Mugabe’s idiot non-farming cronies have been teleported into my game just to further damage and inhibit the agricultural development of their supposed predecessors. Maybe the Firaxis team has a sense of humor after all.
The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming!
And it’s not Bawb and The Geek! See that British Settler out there? Yeah, he’s gonna be trouble, I just know it.
Why Yes, I Will Let You Give Me Money…
… for my excess goods.
OK, Fine. You too.!
Let us toast and get drunk on the wine I’m selling you
I told you they were going to be trouble…
Ah, My Friend…
A dabble of the paint, and a dabble of the color, and a dash of the inspiration, and – a great Artiste is born!
There’s the North Africans
Egpyt and the Ottomans are along the Med coast. There’s no need for me to really interact with them, either – I’m just exploring because I can’t help it.
Boost Some Trade
A caravansary will help extend range, and increase the value of, our trade routes.
Ah Yes, The Golden Age
We’re going to put our artist to use to launch a Golden Age for the cash, and the general coolness that comes with being a “Golden Age”
Bloemfonten’s Production Queue
Here’s what’s programmed for this town – all useful stuff and pretty much no fluff, based on win conditions for this scenario.
Moving a Caravan
Lets launch them from where they’ll actually do some good.
Meanwhile, up north
The Second Order Lancers are in a fight with the barbarian cav, and about to let ’em have a what for!
The Mandeluke Cav can withdraw when fighting guys on foot, but you can’t run from The Second Order Lancers!
Friends Everywhere
The Ottomans are now cozying up the Portuguese also.
Improvement time!
I’ve got a Great Engineer, and I’m pretty much out of Wonders to build, so we’re going to put a Manufactory out there and bump up the production.
Next time we’ll start really pumping the Boer Culture to new heights, and see who we an pick a fight with before running away.
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