The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 6)
Is there an end in sight to the war? For the Zulus, there is… mwuahahahaha
By Brant Guillory, GrogDude
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One More Promotion
This closes out our military developments in this scenario.
The Mandekalu Cavalry…
…can be maddeningly hard to kill sometimes
Pushing Toward Ulundi
Reinforcements are coming from the capital, and time to focus on finishing off the Zulus
Here Comes Trouble
With a capital ‘ouble’. I’ve got a tidal wave of whoop-ass about to crash onto Ulundi, and that one settler they just built ain’t gonna make it anywhere useful.
Combined Arms Warfare
The cav races ahead to capture that worker. More importantly, it gets between Ulundi and the Portuguese, so when it’s time for Ulundi to fall, it’s the Boers that own it, not the Zulus.
OK, not completely, but I’ve at least isolated Ulundi from the Ports, and I’m starting to strangle the last remnants of the Zulus.
Hey there, Frenchie!
We can always take a sec to say ‘hi!’ And swap embassies.
And a “very well” to you too, sir.
Now c’mon – I got a war to fight!
Yes, dear.
We will keep the borders open between us. For now.
Victory Check
So with three parallel games going along three different victory tracks (Sub-Saharan Africa, Northern Africa, Europeans) it can be tough to tell who is in the lead. So far, I think I’m doing OK in my race to 1000, but since I’ve never played this scenario before, I have no idea if I’m doing good or not.
Let the Assault…. Begin!
Ulundi is taking hits (see the health bar for the city dropping?) and my guys are getting promoted. I’m taking Medic II to keep healthy bodies in the fight, since I don’t have a lot of cities to keep generating new ones. The Zulosers are also trying to fight rifle-equipped infantry with crossbows. SPOILER ALERT: This doesn’t end well for them.
Ulundi Sucketh Major Bullets
It’s going down hard. And not really going down swinging.
And a Fond Farwell to You Too
You won’t be missed.
Annexating Again
I’m annexing another city and taking the happiness hit. I need the city; there’s not a lot of space out there to plant new ones.
Back to the West
Notice that I’m now encircling my lake there, and I’ve got some vineyards already going, and more on the way. I’ve also got a lot of space to plant some more (agri)culture.
Consolidating to the East.
I’ve got to get the courthouse built to keep people from being too upset. But there are a lot of resources to manage, too.
Ruh-Ro, Sraggy!
That’s a lot of British firepower right there were it could split my fledgling nation. And are those settlers truly passing through? Or is this an ethnic minority that’s going to appeal to the motherland for “protection”?
Let’s Make Une Deal
Iron for silver? That’s a little cheap of you.
How About Some Cash Instead
Pony up, buttercup. I’ve got the silver if you’ve got the money. (I’ll spare you the suspense… he takes the deal)
So now that the Zulus are dead, what’s next? Come back next time and find out!
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