Monthly Archives: June 2016

Origins! GamePlay

What’s on the tables at Origins 2016? ~

Corinne Mahaffey, 19 June 2016

There’s plenty of gaming, on all sorts of tables…

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Whatever your game, there’s something to play here.

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Origins! Ares Games

They’re named after the God of War; must be a wargame company, eh? ~

Corinne Mahaffey, 18 June 2016

Ares - IMG_7202

What is your new game?

We have Last Friday, Dungeon Time, and Behind the Throne, and Age of Conan:  Adventures in Hyborea.  We also have some new plane miniatures out, including the Newport NI 28, the Fokker E5, and the P47.

Origins! Gale Force 9

Lots of minis = lots of fun! ~

Corinne Mahaffey, 18 June 2016

What is your new game?
Flame of War for Team Yankee, GF 9 Tyrants, and Battlefront Tanks

What is your favorite game?
Flames of War.  I love the depth that Flames of War because of the attention to detail given to the different scenarios.   Our tour players are second to none.  Awesome guys!

What is your favorite mechanic?
In New Tyrants the deck building and board supremacy influence each other, yet each can be considered a separate game in itself.

If you like ____, then you will like ____.
If you like X-Wing, then you will like Tanks!  Tanks! is just as fast and furious as you are used to in X-Wing.  You are just playing history instead of sci-fi.

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Origins! Day 3 Wrap-Up

After the day 1 vendor rush settles down, people start playing games for reelz ~

Corinne Mahaffey, 18 June 2016

The general assault on the dealers room that began yesterday at 10 am continued, somewhat abated, today.  Today was the day everyone sat down to ponder their 5 minute or 5 hour games over their favorite caffeinated beverage – a particular necessity for those whose last game of the day would end at 10 am the next day.

Tragically for Queen and Country, the Hive won a marginal victory at the end of a three day battle for the control of a hive in the Amazon.

The Grogheads booth saw lots of traffic in all its games; Liberty or Death is so popular, and so sold out, that we have had offers to buy our demo copies.

Origins! Costumes (vol. 1)

Here’s a first look at the costumes at this year’s show ~

Corinne Mahaffey, 18 June 2016

There’s always costumes at Origins.  Some are good, and some are…  costumes.  We’ll let you decide!


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