Monthly Archives: April 2014

The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 5)

Ah yes, the war. Let us resume it.

By Brant Guillory, GrogDude

Click images to enlarge

After getting back to the fight with the Zulus, it’s time to finishing kicking their tails.


Start Killin’
Our foreign volunteer draws first blood.



Foreign Explorateer
We need to redirect this guy back to the war.

Sir, You Are Being Hunted – A Screenshot Feature

by Scott Parrino, 2 April 2014

We take a look at Hunted Amongst Castles: New Biome in Sir, You Are Being Hunted.

Sir, You Are Being Hunted (SYABH) received a new update this past Friday that added a fifth and final biome to the first-person survival game: Castle. This new biome rounds out the current biome settings of rural, fens, industrial, and mountains players will encounter while they try to collect artifact pieces to escape the islands of an unnamed archipelago.

The update also adds a soundtrack and some changes that affect the scarecrow’s and landowner’s pathing, as well as fixing the audio for the squire to reflect its movement. Currently the game is still in Alpha and seems to be progressing nicely as it reaches a finished state. Big Robot has stated that this update is the last in terms of delivering single-player content that was promised during the initial fund-raiser. A patch is expected sometime in the future to and an end sequence to the game as well as put some final touches on the existing biome elements.

So if you’ve gotten this far and are scratching your head due to what I’ve said, please give a read of the interview done by us here at Grogheads with James Carey, the designer of the game itself. If you’re slightly impatient and want the gist of what it entails, here it is: you are being hunted by old-timey robots and you must find several artifacts to escape the procedurally-generated island. SYABH relies on stealth, trickery, and resourcefulness, being gung-ho can be detrimental to living.

So what does this new biome look like in person? Here’s some wonderful in-game shots to not only show it off, but some of the action you can expect trying to stay alive while being hunted by British-looking robots.

 Click images to enlarge

Hunted 1

Just as I start out on my quest to check out the new Castle biome, I realize that SYABH does not kid around. Within moments of walking, I spot a balloon with a spotlight that is scouting out my possible location. I hastily beat it out of the area to avoid being spotted and have hunters come after me.


Hunted 2

Not that it mattered; I found a pair of hunters guarding an artifact, which lends itself to being found by either spotting the smoke from the heat of the explosion that flung them (which begs the question, where am I keeping these scalding-hot pieces on my person?).  I take mental note of the location and move towards the dock to where I can finally go to the new biome.

Tuesday Screenshot: Making History – The Great War

Muzzy Lane Software is expanding their Making History series.  The Great War covers, well, THE GREAT WAR.
<hint>And if you want to know more about the game, maybe you’ll swing back by over the weekend! </hint>

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