Monthly Archives: December 2013

Readers’ Choice Call for Nominations

Gentle reader, it’s that time of year again. We’ve actually had open nominations for Game of the Year for the better part of the year, but now as the year approaches its end we want to reiterate our invitation to nominate your favorite games for final voting.

Remember: if a game isn’t nominated it has no chance of being voted upon. The editorial staff may – might – could possibly – remember to add your favorite game as we peruse the list, but don’t count on it. This is, after all, a readers’ choice award, not editors’ choice. As a reader, it is incumbent upon you to put a game’s name in the hat for consideration.

Nominations for digital games can be made here:

Nominations for tabletop games can be made here:

Forum registration is required to nominate any game, and registration will be required when voting commences.

Tuesday Screenshot – Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm


I don’t know where this bridge is. It is a long way from my humble cobbler’s shop on the outskirts of Ruzayevka. We have seized another nameless bridge, crossed another blood-cloggingly cold river, and are trying to drive the Germans out of our land so that we can go back worthless Five Year Plans, endless speeches from Stalin, and bottomless bottles of vodka. All I seek after a long day of fixing soles on shoes that have never stepped in a pool of blood is some hot sausage and kraut, a stiff drink, and a big bosomed woman willing to share my creaky bed. God I hate this war.