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GARPA 17, 4/26/13

SimCity AAR Part 1, 4/25/13

Announcing MayViation, 4/24/13

Second Look at Wargame AirLand Battle, 4/21/13

First Look at Wargame AirLand Battle 4/19/13

AAR of Dark Age Minis Battle, 4/18/13

Video Review of Zulus on the Ramparts, 4/14/13

GARPA 16, 4/12/13

Crusader Kings II AAR Part 16, 4/11/13

Book Review: Ninja: 1000 Years of the Shadow Warrior, 4/10/13

Review of Bioshock INfinite, 4/7/13

Review of XFX PRO650W Core Edition PSU, 4/5/13

Civilization V AAR, Part 13, 4/4/13

Fire with Fire, 3/31/13

GARPA 15, 3/29/13

Civilization V AAR, Part 12, 3/28/13

Wheaton INterview, 3/27/13

March Mayhem Winner, 3/25/13

Warlock Multiplayer AAR, 3/21/13

WWII PTO Alternate Histories, 3/20/13

GARPA 14, 3/15/13

Crusader Kings II AAR, part 15, 3/14/13

Civilization V AAR, part 11, 3/7/13

Prezcon Convention Coverage, 3/2/13

Civilization V AAR, part 10, 3/3/13

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2013 Conventions

Brant Guillory, 13 February 2013

As the Spring conventions start to hit the calendar, and the summer ones open their registration sites, it's time to take a look at all the fun you can have this summer


20-24 February, Charlottesville, VA

From their website, the exhibitor hall will include...

1. Mayfair Games - Pete Fenlon, Coleman Carlton
2. Columbia Games - Ferkin Doyle
3. GMT Games - Andy Lewis
4. Our Game Table - Kathy Stroh, Randy Dean
5. Gale Force Nine - John Kovaleski 
6. Ye Olde Toy Soldiers - John Grasse
7. Worthington Games - Grant Wylie
8. Eagle-Gryphon Games - William Wallace


Spring Fever

8-10 March, Raleigh, NC

One of two annual cons from the Triangle Simulation Society.

Spring Fever is held yearly at the North Raleigh Hilton in Raleigh, NC. Spring Fever is oriented towards miniatures gaming of all genres. Generally, you will find 50 to 75 games presented by TSS, the South Carolina Historical Games Society, attending dealers, the Old Dominion Military Society, the Cape Fear Valley Historical Gamers, members of the Jacksonville Garrison and other groups. Spring Fever includes a raffle each year, with some truly wonderful prizes. Raffle tickets are $1 each and go to help defray the cost of the venue.



5-7 April, San Diego, CA

Straight from their website:

Kingdom-Con 2013, is a 3-day gaming convention full of board games, miniature games, card games, and RPGs. This year we are going to have all sorts of great events, with regional tournaments, painting competitions, panels, LARPs, casual play and much more. This year we are expanding in the hotel, and using both of their giant ballroom spaces. This will provide the convention with more space and allow us to all be together in the same building. The Dealer Room will also be in one of the ballrooms, and we are excited to have a much larger amount of vendors and manufacturers this year!


ConSimWorld Expo

27 May - 2 June, Tempe AZ

From their website, the list of planned wargames

1914: Twilight in the East (GMT), A Fearful Slaughter (MMP/The Gamers), A World at War (GMT), Advanced Squad Leader (MMP), AETO (DG), Ardennes '44 (GMT), Asia Engulfed (GMT), Atlantic Wall (SPI), Battles of the Age of Reason series (COA), Case Blue (MMP/The Gamers), DAK (MMP/Gamers), East Front Series (GMT), Empire in Arms (AH), Enemy at the Gates (MMP/Gamers), EuroFront II (Columbia), Europa Series (HMS/GRD), Europe Engulfed (GMT), Flat Top (AH/Battleline), Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (TAHGC/MMP), Guderian's Blitzkrieg II (MMP/Gamers), HASLCampaign (MMP), Highway to the Reich II (DG/SPI), Home Before The Leaves Fall (COA), June 6 (GMT), Korsun Pocket (PWG), La Bataille series (COA), Objective: Moscow (SPI), Operation Crusader (GDW), Operation Typhoon (SPI), Pacific War (Victory), Red Star Rising (MMP), Red Storm Over the Reich (CG), Storm of Steel (DG), Streets of Stalingrad (L2 Design), Summer Storm (COA), The Devil's Cauldron (MMP), The Killing Ground (NES), The Longest Day (AH), The Next War (SPI), Third World War series (GDW), This Hallowed Ground (MMP/The Gamers), This Terrible Sound (MMP/The Gamers), Three Days of Gettysburg (GMT), Totaler Krieg! (DG), Vietnam (Victory), Wacht Am Rhein II (DG/SPI), War Between the States II (DG/SPI), War in Europe (DG/SPI), War in the Pacific (DG/SPI), Wellington's Victory (SPI), World in Flames Deluxe (ADG)



12-16 June, Columbus OH

Among the events they highlight on the website

Board Games: The Mayfair Room, Rio Grande Room, The Board Room, (Asmodee, WizKids, Ascension, and more).
Role-Playing Games: D&D (Living Forgotten Realms, a Battle Interactive, and D&D Next!), Pathfinder (The Pathfinder room and a Special & level +12th play), The Gathering, D20 Pro, The Origins Indie Press Room, Fast Play, and more.
Miniatures: WizKids HeroClix Nationals (they’re back!), plus BattleTech Tournaments, Warlord Tournaments, and the new Command Post for war game skirmishes.
CCGs: The Star City Open returns, along with Konami Extravaganza, for a second year! Also returning, the V:TES National Tournament. New this year, Cardfight!! Vanguard.
LARPs: The Edhellen Dungeon, and InterPlanetary (more Space Marines!) — the entire first floor of the Hyatt & the Crowne Plaza space is FULL of LARP events this year.
New! An Electronic Game Room … come play the electronic version of your favorite games.
Returning this year are the Family Track, Kids Room, Theme Bar, Origins Costume Contest, Smithees, Origins Awards, Origins Auction, and so much MORE!


18-21 July, Fredericksburg, VA

This year, Historicon is focusing on the American Civil War

The dawn of January 1, 1863 found the United States of America torn, for almost two years, by bloody civil war.  Eventually crossing five Aprils, the war would settle for our country moral, economic, and political issues of such import as to cause brother to fight brother and father to slay son. Thousands died.
1863, the focus of Historican 2013, was a pivotal year in the war, a year of decision.  The Emancipation Proclamation took effect on January 1.  By year’s end, the Union and Confederacy would fight more than one hundred engagements, on land and by sea. 
In recent years, many of the most famous battles have been memorialized in print and on the silver screen and, thus, indelibly stamped on the American psyche.   Here are a few examples.  
Who can forget Stonewall Jackson’s victory, in May, over General "Fighting Joe" Hooker's Army of the Potomac at Chancellorsville?  Or that, shortly after the battle, Confederate soldiers, mistakenly, shot and killed Lee’s “right arm.”
What about the Vicksburg Campaign?  Remember, when Confederate General John Pemberton sent word to Grant asking for terms, Grant replied, “unconditional surrender.”  The Union captured Vicksburg and, soon thereafter, Port Hudson, Louisiana, so that by mid-year, it controlled all of the Mississippi River, splitting the Confederacy in two.
Of course, every school child knows that with “four score and seven years ago…” Lincoln began his stirring address commemorating the fallen at Gettysburg.  Although the battle was a Union victory, it was the bloodiest three days of battle the country had experienced in its history, with massive casualties suffered by both sides.   Significantly, with Pickett’s ill-fated charge, European nations decided not to recognize the Confederacy’s independence, or to provide funds and materiel to support its cause—support that the South desperately needed.
After Gettysburg, the Battle of Chickamauga in September, 1863, was the second bloodiest battle of the war.  On the Tennessee-Georgia border near Chickamauga Creek, the gray engaged and trounced the blue resulting in the most significant Union defeat in the western theater.
Following Chickamauga, the Union retreated to Chattanooga.  Confederate General Bragg’s army occupied the mountains that ring the vital railroad center there.  In November, Grant broke through the Confederate blockade in a series of brilliantly executed attacks, the most famous of which is now remembered as the Battle above the Clouds.  If it hadn’t been for the fog, would the results have been different?
The list goes on and on.  We know what history says happened at these places, but what would the outcome have been if other people had been in charge…like you?  What would have resulted from a different roll of the dice?  Who knows?  Come find out.  Maybe, YOU can rewrite history.


World Boardgaming Championships

29 July - 4 August, Lancaster, PA

WBC's 'signature' are the tournaments they run every year.

Our featured tournaments are Century Events—about 100 of them from various publishers—chosen from among the events with the highest attendance during the previous year’s convention. Other tournaments are termed Trials. These include the 25 events receiving the most votes from our members, and additional tournaments sponsored by members or companies. In both categories are events at the Beginner, Intermediate, and Experienced levels. Plus, there are numerous demos to help players with any level of experience get up-to-speed. We also offer a full schedule for Juniors—those 12 and under—to cultivate the next generation of gamers. Participation in the Juniors program is FREE, when a Junior is accompanied by a paying adult. Finally, for those who don’t enjoy competition or organized events, Open Gaming opportunities abound. Regardless, we place a high value on Sportsmanship



15-18 August, Indianapolis, IN

GenCon offers a "Trade Day" for professionals who may find a use for games in their everyday jobs.

On Wednesday, August 14, Gen Con will host its seventh annual Trade Day, providing hands-on training to educators, librarians and experienced retailers.
Registration includes:
Access to Wednesday Trade Day Programming – attendees choose Librarian/Educator or Retailer track.
A complimentary 4-day Gen Con Indy 2013 badge
Support items such as free games and lesson plans from publishers
Early exhibit hall access on Thursday, August 15
Please note that this programming is only open to educators, student teachers, librarians, distributors and hobby retailers. Members of the press may attend but will not have access to manufacturer giveaways. On-site badge pick-up will require you to submit proof of employment (examples: most recent transcript, business license, business cards, copy of pay stub or workplace ID card).


Guns of August

23-25 August, Williamsburg, VA

Mainly a minis convention, but they are branching out.

Our goal is to host a convention that is both family friendly and appealing to a wide variety of gamers.  We primarily feature historical miniature wargames, but we also showcase a board-gaming room with many of the most popular titles currently on the market, as well as science-fiction based and role playing games.  We want and encourage visitors, whether experienced gamers or first time visitors, to participate in as many games as possible.  Check out our Primary Events List as we get closer to the convention dates for more details. 
Do not miss our excellent vendors hall; many of the best gaming shops and suppliers will be available to fulfill your wargaming needs or help you start a new hobby.  There is also a free flea market on Sunday from 9am till noon.  Bring your excess gaming supplies, a little bit of your saved Christmas card cash and get great deals to fill out the ranks of your miniature armies.



30 Aug - 2 Sep, Atlanta, GA

DragonCon is far more than just games, and it keeps growing every year.

Additionally we are pleased to announce that in 2013, our vendor halls will be moving from the Atlanta Marriott Marquis to the Atlanta Convention Center at AmericasMart, Building 1, floors 1 and 2. This move is going to offer some much needed room to spread out with more programming space for our attendees, while giving us the opportunity to expand our vendor halls by approximately 20%. The Atlanta Convention Center at AmericasMart is located one block west of the Hyatt Regency Atlanta and can be accessed via breezeway from the Westin Peachtree Plaza. In addition, it will be added to our bus route, during dealer hours, in 2013 for easy access. More vendor space equals more great booths and space to pick up on those wonderful items only available in the Dragon*Con vendor halls. Additionally, as a part of this much needed expansion, the Walk of Fame will also be moving to a larger, more central, space.


Southern Front

6-8 September, Raleigh, NC

TSS's other convention, with a nice dealer setup.

Our dealer participation is excellent ! This is because the event is very dealer friendly. We pride ourselves in keeping the dealers right in the periphery of the gaming area, as close to the action as possible, thus bringing buyers to their tablesides while giving  them the elbow room they need to operate. We usually have  representation from Outland of Pennsylvania, Miniatures of the Chesapeake, Battlefield Terrain Concepts, Recreational Conflict, The Quartermaster and other dealers from out of state. Local shops  also attend, such as The Game Connection and Hangar 18. Also, Chris Hughes, our local sculptor and miniature artiste extra-ordinaire, runs a dealer table for his local business, Sash and Saber miniatures.



11-15 September, Columbus, OH

Run by the CABbies that also run the Origins War Room/Board Room, BGF is a great game-players' con. Their guest of honor this year is Richard Launius.

In 1986, Richard’s original Arkham Horror board game design won the Origins HG Wells Best Science Fiction Board Game Award. In 2005 Richard teamed up with Kevin Wilson to redesign the Fantasy Flight Games publication of Arkham Horror, and worked with Kevin and Fantasy Flight Games on several expansions. Since then Richard has gone on to publish the epic fantasy cooperative game Defenders of the Realm with Eagle Games, as well as the Dragon and 3 Heroes expansions. Richard and Kevin Wilson teamed up again to design Elder Sign, another cooperative adventure game set in the mythos of H.P. Lovecraft published by FFG. Also among Richard’s more recent publications are; Season of the Witch, and expansion adventure for Mansions of Madness by FFG, and Dragon Rampage, a competitive fantasy game by Eagle Games. Other games in process of publication include Ace Detective, a story-telling game of Detective Noir in the 1940s from 8th Summit Games, Defenders of the Realm: Battlefields, a strategic competitive fantasy battle game from Eagle Games, Pirates VS Dinosaurs, a swashbuckling adventure game from Jolly Rogers Games, and Run, Fight, or Die! a zombie dice game from Lock N Load to name a few.



15 - 17 November, Charlotte NC

A wide-ranging con with a lot of tabletop fun out in the Southeast.

MACE is a table top gaming convention, once held in High Point, NC since 1997 and now held in Charlotte since 2012. The previous incarnation called ROC 96.5 was a gaming event associated to Roc Of Ages Con in Charlotte. Since then, it has grown to be one of the largest gatherings of gamers in the Carolinas. We at Justus Productions/MACE pride ourselves in providing the best and most variety of games in the Carolinas. Supported by one of the largest Caronlina gaming organizations, the CGA, as well as Carolina RPGA groups and local LARP groups like Ivanhoe Productions, VampCat, and others, MACE has everything for the avid gamer. Board games, war games, role playing games, live action, video games, and miniature games - there is something for everyone.
We encourage our attendees to always try to play something new during our weekend. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the organizers. We are here for you, the gamer. We rarely have guests, and we rarely have panels. However, we have had a few names in the industry stop by and game with us like Steve Long, Shane Hensley and Greg Porter. Please feel free to browse our site and see what we are all about.

Make your plans and arrange your games in our forums here >>


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