CK2 King of Leon AAR

Started by undercovergeek, June 27, 2012, 11:25:33 AM

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pfffft - they dont make Galicians like they used to, he didnt last half the time his father did, and looking at the message log its all come marvellously together as the heir, my nephew, didnt get any claims to any of my lands and hes merely a Jimena puppet at my disposal


Damn guy has been a thorn in my side since starting the game - i fear now that i have made him too powerful by giving him lands to make him more loyal - its the last time that happens - ill take the imprison option and silence his moaning once and for all....................



...................tits! he was shaping up quite well for a thrifty clerk - not so funny now, the Spanish flu. Long live King Alvar I - hes 6 and he appoints Otto, the Spymaster as his trusty regent. He has lost his fathers claims on Castille, Navarre and Aragon - but we'll get them back. His brother becomes the Duke of Aragon


First things first - an education, he's sent to the Martial, this being his highest childhood skill so far - hopefully he'll be honed into a deadly Muslim killing machine


Quick check on the handy 'whos out to stab me chart' - turns out Uncle Alvar, my fathers brother, and Arias the goddamed troublemaking Steward of my father are in cahoots - the imprison Arias option is still open.............


.......twins again - its obviously a Jimena thing - a brother and a daughter, sadly born without their father - prestige making machines they are, to be married off to high ranking princes and princesses to bring land to Alvar I


Great AAR. Seems like i'll finally have to start playing the game (and i preordered)!


thankyou Anguille - so far its been a great journey, and its a credit to the game and its makers that i sit and stare at whats unfolding and then come here and tell you guys without embellishment or exaggeration


Awesome start, i considered marrying him to Etienette as Alvar's mother was the the Danish Princess, and i want to make sure the Provence claim stays in the family - but thats just wrong!


Here we go, i wondered how long it would be, ill squash the bastard, throw him in jail and pick a worthier recipient of the lands - eradicate all the mistakes of my father in one foul sweep......................



Valladolid and Braganca join in - this is Arias' doing, some work for the gaolers coming up..........................

undercovergeek brother Beltran joins in from Aragon (Zaragoza).......... holy **** this is going to take some tidying up!



Uncle Rodrigo from Asturias de Oviedo in the North also joins - this is serious, the only loyal demesne now are the ones i actually own or are controlled by my nephew in Galicia. Its time to check the plot chart to see what the hells happened here and consult with Otto, my Regent and Guardian..................


...........who throws me out of the frikking window!!

WAIT, WHAT???????????????


:o  :o  :o  :o  :o

undercovergeek err im dead, after 4 months of ruling the realm and reaching the ripe old age of 6 my most trusted guardian throws me out of the tower window. Turns out he was in the court of that schemeing bastard Arias before my father took him on as Spymaster - sneaky! Despite Beltran joining the rebellion and gaining from Alvars death it doesnt seem right he isnt punished for killing my brother, so its off to prison with him - all those involved should expect swift justice. I had masses of prestige and piety as Alfonso, its all gone and needs building back up again. At least the rebellion has ended

So then, the king is dead, long live King Beltran.