JT/ HPS Squad Battles - mod WIP

Started by Richie61, April 02, 2016, 01:25:20 AM

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Here is an example of what I do to get the end results.

Top images are the JG versions, middle is my redrawn version and the bottom image is my to scale blue print.

I don't shade them per trying to make them look like Squad Leader style board games.  :)
aka Richie61

"If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything"


Wargame Design Studio
Operations Manager


"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


I typically only play games with friends so this is ultimately moot for me, but has X-mod riven the SB community?

I, too, have long wondered about the precipitous depletion of effectiveness, but wonder about what effect having such two markedly different approaches to the mechanics in the proverbial soup would have?
Sergeant at Arms of La Fraternite des Boutons Carres

One mustachioed, cigar-chomping, bespectacled deity, entirely at your service.

You didn't know? My Corps has already sailed to Berlin. We got there 3 days ago and we've been in the Tiergarten on the piss ever since. -- Marshal Soult, October 1806


Quote from: Cyrano on September 06, 2016, 10:26:25 PM
I typically only play games with friends so this is ultimately moot for me, but has X-mod riven the SB community?

I, too, have long wondered about the precipitous depletion of effectiveness, but wonder about what effect having such two markedly different approaches to the mechanics in the proverbial soup would have?

I spent a year testing a mod with my buddy Dan using revised weapon data and other updates to the db (data base). We played game after game and Dan was making changes (new builds) each day.
We now have a mod call X mod. We use a separate installations called "West Front" and "East Front", plus North Africa and Italy are WIP's. What we get is no weapon depletion and IMO better effects
of infantry combat. Meaning that unlike stock SB you don't charge into the open without suppressing the enemy. You need to stay down and use cover as much possible. The casualties are more, but weapons
are better and a casualty doesn't mean a man is dead. A casualty means a man is out of the fight and no longer able to fight that day.

With the separate installs, other people can't take your file or take there file and use it as a so called "cheat".

It's a lot of fun too!
aka Richie61

"If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything"


Updated the FT-17 to the correct size and added more French support vehicles  ;)

aka Richie61

"If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything"


Nice! Question about the WW mod: The Winter War T-26(F) refers to the KhT-130 family of T-26 variants? T-26 is what the name says right. And both are in the Soviet ToE, no Finnish tanks there I assume.
Campaign Series Legion | CS: Vietnam 1948-1967 | CS: Middle East 1948-1985

CS: Vietnam DAR: LZ Albany as NVA (South Vietnam 11/17/65)  
CS: Middle East AARs: High Water Mark (Syria 10/12/73) Me vs Berto | Riptide (Libya 8/6/85) Me vs Berto | The Crossroads (West Bank 6/5/67)  Me vs Berto

Boardgame AARs: AH D-Day | MMP PanzerBlitz2 Carentan | OSS Putin's Northern War | GMT Next War: Poland | LnL Against the Odds DIY


The KhT-130 is also called the OT-130. Finland also used the T-26 tanks. It's been said that they captured close to 200 Soviet T-26 tanks. I hope this answers your question.
aka Richie61

"If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything"


Quote from: Richie61 on September 08, 2016, 05:23:55 PM
The KhT-130 is also called the OT-130. Finland also used the T-26 tanks. It's been said that they captured close to 200 Soviet T-26 tanks. I hope this answers your question.

Thanks Richie, it surely does! The vehicles are very nicely drawn, and the flame coming out of the T-26(F) was visible as well.

I don't have many missions in life, but one of them is debunking the myth of Finnish Vickers 6tons (of English origin purchased in late 1930s) would have gone to war equipped with the obsolete FT-17 37mm Puteaux. Instead, they were equipped with a license build Swedish 37mm Bofors, an excellent gun, accompanied by obsolete optics due to world markets having closed down before the war, and Germany refusing to sell the Zeiss optics ordered earlier due to their pact with Soviets.

Many sources have this wrong, so one of my pet peeves  :D

By Continuation War the Vickers 6-tons were equipped with T-26 45mm gun and optics, for ease of maintenance, and were even given a classification T-26E in Finnish TOE, E standing for the English origin of the chassis.

Here's the WW 6-ton in Olive painting before the white wash camo applied

Campaign Series Legion | CS: Vietnam 1948-1967 | CS: Middle East 1948-1985

CS: Vietnam DAR: LZ Albany as NVA (South Vietnam 11/17/65)  
CS: Middle East AARs: High Water Mark (Syria 10/12/73) Me vs Berto | Riptide (Libya 8/6/85) Me vs Berto | The Crossroads (West Bank 6/5/67)  Me vs Berto

Boardgame AARs: AH D-Day | MMP PanzerBlitz2 Carentan | OSS Putin's Northern War | GMT Next War: Poland | LnL Against the Odds DIY


Very interesting!
HPS put the Finnish Vickers 6ton in their db (data base) with the 37mm.

Quote13 3  48  0 10 5  1  1 30 3 Vickers 6 Ton

I just learned something new!  :)  Thanks!!!
aka Richie61

"If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything"


Quote from: Richie61 on September 09, 2016, 05:25:50 AM
Very interesting!
HPS put the Finnish Vickers 6ton in their db (data base) with the 37mm.

Quote13 3  48  0 10 5  1  1 30 3 Vickers 6 Ton

I just learned something new!  :)  Thanks!!!

Told you, my pet peeve! Of course they had it wrong, everyone does!  :tickedoff:  One of the first things I fixed with JTCS East Front 2.0 by the way ;)

If modding those values, I'd have a better effect similar to 37ATG in short(est) distances, but would have that quickly deteriorating due to the bad optics the tank had to settle with. 

Edit: assuming those are the Puteaux 37mm values, not Bofors 37mm values that is.

Jaegerplatoon.net is a very nice first go-to place to anything related Finnish gear of the era. It's got a nice write-up of the Vickers 6-ton in Finnish use as well: LINK
Campaign Series Legion | CS: Vietnam 1948-1967 | CS: Middle East 1948-1985

CS: Vietnam DAR: LZ Albany as NVA (South Vietnam 11/17/65)  
CS: Middle East AARs: High Water Mark (Syria 10/12/73) Me vs Berto | Riptide (Libya 8/6/85) Me vs Berto | The Crossroads (West Bank 6/5/67)  Me vs Berto

Boardgame AARs: AH D-Day | MMP PanzerBlitz2 Carentan | OSS Putin's Northern War | GMT Next War: Poland | LnL Against the Odds DIY


HPS only lists one (1) 37mm gun in their db, so who knows.  ???
aka Richie61

"If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything"


Added a few more missing units.

And first attempt at camo  :knuppel2:

aka Richie61

"If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything"


Quote from: Richie61 on September 09, 2016, 06:36:50 AM
HPS only lists one (1) 37mm gun in their db, so who knows.  ???

Does it have FT-17, and Bofors 37mm ATG separately. Maybe they could be compared. See? This is already giving me the griefs, the HPS database, in not knowing what they did there  :uglystupid2:
Campaign Series Legion | CS: Vietnam 1948-1967 | CS: Middle East 1948-1985

CS: Vietnam DAR: LZ Albany as NVA (South Vietnam 11/17/65)  
CS: Middle East AARs: High Water Mark (Syria 10/12/73) Me vs Berto | Riptide (Libya 8/6/85) Me vs Berto | The Crossroads (West Bank 6/5/67)  Me vs Berto

Boardgame AARs: AH D-Day | MMP PanzerBlitz2 Carentan | OSS Putin's Northern War | GMT Next War: Poland | LnL Against the Odds DIY


Looking at the db there are:

German pak 36/ 37mm
37mm AA
Flak 36/ 3.7 cm (37 mm)

And then you have a "loads" page with AP, HE and data for each gun. Course unless it's flagged differently, the 37mm is just AP & HE. Thus the FT-17 and Finnish Vickers use the same gun data.
Plus the BT-2 and the Hotchkiss H-39 use the same 37mm data too.

HPS's data at time is not right, flagged wrong or just plain incorrect.
aka Richie61

"If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything"