Tag Archives: Battlefront

GrogHeads Checks Out Combat Mission: Final Blitzkrieg

Back to the front! ~

Boggit, 13 August 2016

Combat Mission: Final Blitzkrieg is a tactical wargame set on the Western front during the latter part of World War Two. Final Blitzkrieg is mostly about the Ardennes Offensive in December 1944-January 1945, but the game also has scenarios covering the earlier fighting in and around Aachen and the Hürtgenwald.

That “Oh, sh*t!” moment, as my US engineers wander directly into a minefield on the Westwall.

That “Oh, sh*t!” moment, as my US engineers wander directly into a minefield on the Westwall.

Today’s Screenshot: Combat Mission Shock Force

Driver’s License?  We don’t need no driver’s license! ~

Boggit, 19 July 2016


The élite of the Syrian tank driving school

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Combat Mission: Black Sea – A digital battle

Scenario: An August Morning ~

Boggit, 03 April 2016

Playing on “elite” level and having a go of it

Smokin' attack

Smokin’ attack

Flash Review of Combat Mission Black Sea

Developed and Published by Battlefront Inc.

Reviewed by Boggit 14 February 2015

Black Sea is the latest addition to the Combat Mission series. It focuses on a speculative continuation and escalation of the present Ukraine crisis to a new flashpoint in the central Ukraine Dneipr river/Donetsk area set during the summer of 2017. NATO has now been drawn into the fight and with the release of this game we see US troops joining the fight between the Ukrainians and Russians. Conceived well before the current crisis in the Ukraine, this is another of Steve Grammont’s eerily prophetic modern Combat Mission games – the last one was Combat Mission: Shock Force set in Syria in 2008!

Ukrainian scouts cautiously advance. A barrage meanwhile slows any advances on their left flank.

Ukrainian scouts cautiously advance. A barrage meanwhile slows any advances on their left flank.

As a flash review/first impressions feature, this article is based on my gameplay of a couple of the scenarios, and around half a dozen quick battles. It’s not exhaustive by any means, but I hope that I’ve covered things sufficiently to give some useful insights into what the game is all about. If I’ve missed something – it happens – well now you’ll know why. 😉

GrogHeads Reviews the CMBN Vehicle Pack


Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy Vehicle Pack, Developed and Published by Battlefront Inc.

A screenshot review by Boggit, 21 November 2014

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to field some of the rarely seen specialist Allied vehicles, or scratch built German armoured groups that fought in Normandy? Well now you can. Drawing heavily upon Hobart’s “Funnies” of 79th Armoured Division and the “Ersatz” units created by Major Alfred Becker – a rather unique engineer – for 21st Panzer Division – Battlefront have introduced a vehicle pack that brings new vehicles and weapons into the mix for their Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy game.

A Churchill AVRE supported by infantry advances in spite of nearby mortar fire. It also carries a breach team for when a 290mm round is just overkill. Reloading the Petard mortar on the AVRE is slow, but historically correct.

A Churchill AVRE supported by infantry advances in spite of nearby mortar fire. It also carries a breach team for when a 290mm round is just overkill. Reloading the Petard mortar on the AVRE is slow, but historically correct.

The vehicle pack requires the installation of the version 3.0 game engine, which is separately available from Battlefront. V3.0 brings Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy up to the same level of development as Combat Mission: Red Thunder, which provides a lot of improvements. You can check out some of these described in my Red Thunder review here .