Scourge of War Waterloo: For the Emperor!

Started by agrippamaxentius, August 23, 2015, 04:15:09 AM

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 Hi everyone! Today I have begun uploading the first part of the battle of Waterloo. I am commanding the French Left, a large corps with the expressed purpose of smashing the British and Dutch right flank as soon as possible.  Ive never played at this level, usually preferring to command smaller divisions.  Not sure how long this battle will take, but I certainly hope you approve of my opening tactics.  :coolsmiley: Again I hope no one minds my approach to AAR using the spoken medium, unfortunately im not nearly as skilled as most of you guys here at constructing such detailed, engaging AAR's. My voice is my pen  :). For Scourge of War, Combat Mission, Ultimate General Gettysburg and countless others.


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RobO Q Campaign Generator -- archived classic CMBB/CMAK tool!

agrippamaxentius For Scourge of War, Combat Mission, Ultimate General Gettysburg and countless others.


Part 2: A Cascade of Bullets. We move closer to the English right flank, their Shellshot explodes above us but our men continue the assault! For Scourge of War, Combat Mission, Ultimate General Gettysburg and countless others.