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Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by Gusington - Today at 07:05:49 AM
At the end of the day, as grogs, don't we just want everyone to stfu and go away anyway? As long as people play nice who really cares. I do recognize the value of balance that JH is talking about above in addition to what 'Geek mentioned but as I age...I just want everyone to stfu, calm down and chill. Go have an edible or something. I am at the end of me caring about the entire 'us vs. them' dichotomy, which this boils down to basically.

'Can't we all just get along?'
Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by JasonPratt - Today at 06:31:41 AM
It's just lazy, and being imposed by stockholder requirements. Instead of introducing a creative narrative reason that this has started happening (like revising the backstories for the Necrons and Eldar), GM opted for "always were female Custodes."

In fact there had been for a while, the Sisters of Silence. But that wasn't good enough, I guess?

It could make sense enough: these are high ranking children of nobles being put through the process; although the genetic modification steps still seem to be based on originally male genetic material, so... isn't that why the Sisters of Battle (Adeptas Soroitas) can't be Space Marines? But they do very respectably well with what they can do (and narratively tend to overcompensate, which is good dramatic coloring.) So this is basically saying, hey, all you who like the Sisters, surprise, they could have been real Space Marines the whole time and always could have been, but aren't for no reason, so there?

Again, it's just sloppy for depressing reasons, to please people who don't really care about the franchise property as such (like Blackrock and Vanguard).

Quote from: solops on Today at 05:18:01 AMAnd i would note that plants are people, too.

People who like to go WAAAAAGGGHHH!  :cool:

My favorite humorous comment on one of the video threads I've seen, is that Tyranids have been predominately 'female' for a while, and no one cares!
Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by solops - Today at 05:18:01 AM
Quote from: undercovergeek on Today at 03:15:59 AMI think to a certain degree it has nothing to do with female space marines and more to do with meeting up with your friends at a club or a garage and getting away from all the shit that compulsory diversity and woke-ism brings in an average working day and all the other crap that comes with real life because you've come to play soldiers to get away from all that and here in the microcosm of 40k it didn't exist and it was you and your army and your friends and now it's invading that bit of peace and quiet you had from the world

Don't get me wrong - I'm neither for or against - you do you over there and I'll do me over here

Like the vegans of this world - you can do that and I'll eat meat but don't be a dick and stand outside my restaurant calling me a flesh eating murderer

As I get older I realise the best most peaceful form of inclusivity is not to include any fucker at all
And i would note that plants are people, too.
Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by undercovergeek - Today at 03:15:59 AM
I think to a certain degree it has nothing to do with female space marines and more to do with meeting up with your friends at a club or a garage and getting away from all the shit that compulsory diversity and woke-ism brings in an average working day and all the other crap that comes with real life because you've come to play soldiers to get away from all that and here in the microcosm of 40k it didn't exist and it was you and your army and your friends and now it's invading that bit of peace and quiet you had from the world

Don't get me wrong - I'm neither for or against - you do you over there and I'll do me over here

Like the vegans of this world - you can do that and I'll eat meat but don't be a dick and stand outside my restaurant calling me a flesh eating murderer

As I get older I realise the best most peaceful form of inclusivity is not to include any fucker at all
Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by GDS_Starfury - Today at 12:39:47 AM
Quote from: Gusington on Yesterday at 09:17:14 AMFor the record I do not have a neckbeard. But I do love me some 40k. Maybe on a more casual level, but I still do love it.

what does your 5 o'clock shadow identify as?
Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by Destraex - Yesterday at 11:32:47 PM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on Yesterday at 09:23:30 AMI think there is a place for diversity that fits neatly within the existing lore. For instance, the Salamanders are black. The White Scars are Asian/Mongolian. The Adepta Sororitas are all, of course, women. Many agents within the Officio Assassinorum and Inquisition are women, as are many sanctioned psykers, Rogue Traders and navigators.  This works with the lore without feeling forced or imposed. Once they start changing lore to benefit notions of diversity and inclusion is where you piss people off (no, not just the "neckbeards") and start diluting the lore that is organic and "believable" and that has been developed over many decades at this point. It seems totally unnecessary and forced.

Bad for the entire IP in my view.
I agree.
Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by al_infierno - Yesterday at 11:00:15 PM
Well I for one am glad that culture warriors like Critical Drinker are on the frontline defending us from the evils of... uh... women and black people in media, or something?
Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by Jarhead0331 - Yesterday at 10:05:26 PM
Quote from: al_infierno on Yesterday at 04:02:37 PMI get your frustration, this tactic of painting dissenters as "neckbeards" or "manbabies" or whatever is extremely obnoxious. It's a lazy and toxic way to shut down discussion.  Same thing happened with True Detective Night Country and, like you said, Disney, or really any IP where white men are replaced or recasted by women or POC.  It's just a lazy way to shut down criticism for other creative choices with an easy shield that picks up traction on Twitter, because inevitably there *are* a few asshats who whip out a full-on swastika and make everybody else look bad.

But equating this to genocide and oppression just seems like a ridiculous hyperbole. This is a luxury hobby we're talking about, not some basic human need that spells life or death for those who are excluded.  Yeah, the article is stupid and intentionally incendiary, but it's pretty tame IMO as far as "dehumanizing a target people to make them seem easier to wipe out" goes.  It's pretty inoffensive ribbing, even with the "neckbeard" jab considered (which interestingly only shows up in the headline, presumably for clicks).

To me it just seems like an IP owner doing what they want with their IP, some fans getting upset about the changes (which is valid), and asshole "journalists" running with the discussion to stir up controversy for clicks.  I don't see any of this as "evil," just a mixture of petty, toxic, and silly.

I think what W8 is talking about is "the bigger picture". There are all these small cultural battles being waged and viewed independently, many of them seem irrelevant, petty or meaningless. But when added together and viewed as a whole, it can look quite disconcerting to many and feel overwhelming.

It sort of reminds me of this lawsuit I read about today. Some guy sued Cinemark because their 24fl soda cups actually only hold 22fl. So, he found a lawyer to sue the film giant over deceptive marketing practices and for charging a premium for something that they are not actually providing to customers. Viewed from the perspective of one guy who received 2fl less than what was advertised on a cup (particularly when you can get a free refill) it seems ridiculous. But when viewed from the perspective of millions of transactions, you can see the impact such deceptive practices could have.

In any event, I find myself someplace in the middle. It's not a big deal, but I think it was a stupid decision, given my comments above. There are ways to include in 40K without alienating others.
Computer Gaming / Re: 40k Custodes - Who here ha...
Last post by al_infierno - Yesterday at 08:00:49 PM
I think of that as being "normal."