Warlock Four-Player AAR Tuna Session 10
LongBlade (LB): No, gentle reader, you have not miscounted or misread the title. Our last report came from Tuna and ended on Turn 38. The remaining players have had a few interruptions in real life, so we must pick up the story at the earliest point Tuna can share with us, Turn 58.
Tuna opens the turn by researching a new spell, Barren Lands. This is an offensive spell that will turn any land with resources into barren terrain.
He then continues on his mission to clear out Monsters in the Northeast, to clean the land for settlers he anticipates will soon move there.
The turn opens with him decideing to build a Granery at Ril-i-Netltirn.
He then decides that clearing out Monsters can be a cash making biz!
LB: Let’s let Tuna pick up the narrative in his own words:
Tuna: Stupid move on my part, I left a injured Bow unit exposed and lost him during the Monster’s turn.
At the start of turn 60 I build a Smithy a Merith-i-Tirn. I figure it’s time to bump up my ability to build strong units (I won’t be isolated on my peninsula forever).
I continue clearing the area to the northeast.
I build a Chamber of Arrows at Orthocarn, which will provide me with some strong ranged attack units.
And I continue clearing the northeast.
I build my first city in the new lands – Nelcarn!
I prep a Firestorm spell for the next turn to help out with the cleanup.
And the cleanup continues starting with the Firestorm.
Again I put a Firestorm in the queue for use the following turn.
Just like my Bow earlier, I almost lose my Hero, Russ, during the Monster’s turn.. He just barely escapes (I need to be more careful).
Use my Firestorm again.
And I discover another Greater Fire Elemental (GFE) that I need to deal with.
I build new Bow units at Harcarn and Gaethcarn.
Between turns the GFE initiates the first attack on my Bows.
With the start of turn 64, Stophro offers peace and I accept. We’ll get him later hopefully!
I start another Chamber of Arrows at Nol-ulcarn
And some settlers at Othorcarn.
Finally I pull back my bows to the Northeast to heal them up.. Hope to have a group of healthy bows to take on the GFE in our next session.
And with that, this session is over. We hope to have more reports soon.
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