Civ5 AAR: Empires of the Smoky Skies, Part IIIII

frontier wars 728x90 KS

There’s no non-smoking section in this AAR ~

By Brant Guillory, GrogDude

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Last time, I dropped a citadel right in Pulias’s grill. Methinks that miffed he be.


U mad, bro?
Uh, actually, England will be intimidated.  And you’ll like it.



Land Ironclads?  Let’s upgrade
No more ka-chunkadas.  Time to boost the troops for what we all know is coming.



I’ve gained the title of “Defender of Progress” among the League of Empires.



The League of Empires
Here’s the proof.  Those ka-chunkadas that upgraded to Landships have bumped up my count where it’s needed.



Because I haven’t irked him enough
I’m going to buy a land tile that locks into my borders around the citadel and unify my borders.  It’ll give me a better frontier to defend in case Pulias gets frisky and rolls south before I’m ready to fully subjugate his top-hat-wearing-ass.



I’m also going to put some artillery into production to hold the citadel, so they can lob rounds from there as needed.



Right now he’s massing a few forces on the frontier and looking a over here a bit…



Another upgrade
The last of the ka-chunkadas needs upgrading.



And going hunting
How do Canadians look when they’re stuffed and mounted on your wall?



I can now mine aetherium (aluminum by steampunk nomenclature) and build submarines.  Those’ll be all kinds of fun here real soon.



Pause and update
I’ve got an infantry unit outside my borders keep an eye on the flank in case Pulias makes a dash toward those city-states.  I’ve got a landship headed that way for similar reasons, as well as hunting any Canadians that pop up.  If you look on the right, you’ll see that Cyrus is also trying to roll up another city state.

Oh yeah, and we found a useful Canadian!  That guy there that’s poking around by Pulias’ capital is doing the Lord’s work for us.  Even a broken sundial is right once… uh, hmmm.  I think I screwed that up.



who saw that coming – another Canadian squatters’ camp.  I shall name it “Detroit”.



Super Spy!
I get to steal some tech.  w00t!



And now that I’ve stolen my tech, time to hit the road and get outta dodge.  Seeyalater!



Landship: Bonk!
Canadian: Ow!



Cyrus, whining is unbecoming
But, yeah, I kinda deserve the butt-chewing.



Ignace wants a hand
But I’m not in a position to help pick a fight I can’t really contribute to, and there’s no point in joining a fight if I’m not getting anything out of it.



Checking on the neighbors
They’re shuffling their units, but not really threatening anything.  If I hadn’t linked those borders together, though, you can damn sure bet that his ka-chunkada would’ve been cruising my way.



Production check…
Wow!  My guys are working their asses off.  Part of that is that I’m in a Golden Age.  Part of it is that I’m putting effort into building factories and other prod-boosting buildings.



Those frisky Canadians
Seriously, who brings a bow to a tank-fight?


Not a lot of drama this time, but some important work in securing the borders and enhancing the armory.  Next time, maybe we’ll pick another fight with a non-Canadian.

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