Category Archives: Tuesday Screenshot

Tuesday Screenshot – Squad Leader (RIP John Hill)

We at GrogHeads are very saddened to note the passing of game designer John Hill


First reported on ConSimWorld here.

His BGG designer’s page is here, and note the litany of games to his credit.

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Tuesday Screenshot – PanzerGrenadier

WWII in hexes and counters

Fred Schwarz, 30 December 2014

click to enlarge


German in assault
Dogged Russians in defense
What’s up with the duck?!

image from Fred Schwarz
(Bad) Haiku from Brant

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Tuesday Screenshot – Divinity Dragon Commander

Toys? Gaming? Both?!

Monty, 23 December 2014

click to enlarge

Divinity Dragon Commander (9)

Toys for everyone
Even in video games
Must be holidays


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Tuesday Screenshot – Tank on Tank… goes digital!

16 December 2014

Fresh outta alpha, and into beta, the guys at LNLP sent us a sneak peek of a fantastic little tabletop game that’s getting a digital conversion.  Note that the graphics are likely to change some over time as the game gets more polished and closer to release.

click to enlarge

No release date yet, but it’s getting closer!


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Tuesday Screenshot – Wars & Battles

Some iOS wargaming for your battles on-the-go!

Vance Strickland, 9 December 2014

click to enlarge

A light-but-gorgeous wargame for the touchscreen set, Wars & Battles is for the grog-on-the-move.