The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 11)

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Scrambling in Africa

By Brant Guillory, GrogDude

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Last time we planted a city where we could piss of the maximum number of people. This time? Just trying not get into another war.


The Brits. Always the Brits
They keep pushing units right up to my borders, and then backing away. You’d almost think they’re being run by some bald weenie named “Vlad” or something.


My folks are not Happy
And looking into it, it appears to be mainly driven by population. I can’t stop my Boers from birthin’ babies, but I can try to distract them with luxury goods and entertainment buildings. Hey – it’s been working for the US for 50 years now!


Vicky – Wanna Make a Trade?
She’s all spicy, and I’m all juicy.


Let’s Cut a Deal
She takes it. My happiness doesn’t change much. Oh well.


Caravanin’ About
If only the caravan was powder blue


New Trade Partners
By moving that caravan further north, we’re able to reach different destinations. Right now Zanzibar is going to return the best coin on this one. That’ll grow once my town expands some.


Damn, My People Are Just Not Gonna Be Happy
It’s like they’re all stuck hanging out on some website that used to be cool until management neglect, homoerotic trolling, and editorial megalomania combined with piss-poor software to run the community into the ground… on dial-up speeds.


Great Gameplay Demands a Great Musician!
But somehow I got one, too.


Great Work, eh?
Does this one count? If not, it should, dammit.



Another City-State / Trade Partner
And another African city I had to look up, as I’d never heard of Segou, either.


I Found Cairo
Doesn’t help me worth a crap, but it’s nice to know it’s there.


Another Policy
While being alerted to the accumulation of (agri)culture, I also take a poment to parvel at the proliferation of Portuguese pervading the prairie. Thankfully, we still have the Southern Hemisphere Integration Treaty tying us together.


Degrees of Freedom = 1
So I’m going to pick the only policy I can.


Yes, a Blatant Cash Grab
Like a Playboy bunny with an ‘abundance’ of student loan debt hanging around senior day at the country club, I’m totally gold-digging.


Isn’t it cool how great merchants are born as full-grown adults with suits and dapper hats?


Coco Chanel
Man, we’re really stretching the definition of a Great Merchant, here, aren’t we?


Meanwhile, Up North
There’s Suez, and like the Truman Show, we’ve come to the edge of our map.


Open Borders?
Youbetcha. Need to keep the trade lane to Johannesburg open.


Well This Is Getting Off On The Wrong Foot

What’s Vicky going to blather about next time? Come back in a few weeks and find out for yourself!

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