The Scramble for Africa – A Civ 5 AAR (Part 5)

frontier wars 728x90 KS

Ah yes, the war. Let us resume it.

By Brant Guillory, GrogDude

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After getting back to the fight with the Zulus, it’s time to finishing kicking their tails.


Start Killin’
Our foreign volunteer draws first blood.



Foreign Explorateer
We need to redirect this guy back to the war.


OK, OK, whatever.  I got a war to fight.  Bugger off already!



More Victory Weirdness
Europeans get VPs for finding stuff Africans already knew was there.  Clearly this game was designed by a bunch of neo-colonial oppressive overlords.



Oh Yeah, The War
We’re damaging the hell out of Umgungundlovuverymuch. I don’t think that writer in the city is much of a defense.  In Civilization 5, once the fur starts to fly, the pen is not mightier than the sword.  My artillery is on the way, too.



Hey Look, An Engineer!
I don’t get to build trains, but I have engineers!



Meanwhile, the Southern Front
Has me closing on the capital with a small force.  My main focus here is just to prevent too much mischief out of these guys, and make sure if Portugal gets too grabby, I can try to ninja the kill for the city.



So, This Isn’t Good
Not only am I waaaaay down on the military strength-o-meter, but I’m waaaaaay behind all my neighbors.  Except the Zulus, of course, who are so far at the bottom of the chart you have to scroll to see them.  I’m that lazy.



Umgungundalovuallnight falls, and I get to choose what to do with it.  I’m annexing it.  I’m not going to annex so much that it becomes a problem for my global happiness in the long run, but I’m not trusting the Zulus to run their own production queue in the city.



Still got some stalwarts out there who need to get smacked around a bit.  They’ve got a long walk home, though, and since it’s all through my territory, I’ve got plenty of time to kill them.



Yep, More VPs
That aren’t mine!



Take That!
… and that! And a little of that!



Bagged a General, too
I managed to take down one of their generals before he could accomplish much. So I’ll Get a Penalty, eh? Sure, but I’ll also get a city.  And at this point, I think people pretty much know I’m a warmonger, don’t they?



North Boerland
I’ve got a handful of workers banging out some improvements.  I’ve got a general shifting fronts toward the south.  I’m pacifying the resistance in Umgungundlovu, and I’m patching up forces to move them toward Ulundi.



Trade Must Go On!
I can point my caravans in directions not affected by the war.



Ah, Thit.
Damned Canadians got my worker. Rescue mission imminent!



General Pompey Reporting, Sir!
And we’re going to build another citadel in a blatant land grab. We’ll probably piss off the Portuguese, but hey – they’re Portuguese! They’re always pissed about something.



Yep, Saw This Coming
For every male action, there is an equal and opposite female over-reaction.



Setting Up For The Next Offensive
I’m consolidating some forces, putting a garrison in the citadel to hold off any friskiness from Ulundi, and trade is flowing through Boerland.

We’ll see you next time!

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