A Civilization V AAR – Artpay Ineteenay

frontier wars 728x90 KS


Brant Guillory, 26 September 2013

One more and we can file for syndication with the network!

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Go East Young Man!
We’re going to send this scout into yonder cloudy see, and see if we don’t come up behind Constantinople from behind.



Lumber Mills.
Your best friend in the wooded tundra, because there’s not much else you can do with tundra, so if there’s a forest, exploit it.


We’re still upgrading scouts when they stumble into ruins. Score!




Apparently There Are More Isolated People Than I Was.
Budapest had yet to meet a civilization. Hard to believe anyone took longer than me to start introducing themselves to the world.



And Yes, I’m Still Meeting New Civilizations.
These are the Mayans. No idea if their calendar will end the game.



Wrapping Up The Piety Tree.
Sounds like a right-wing religious nut-job book title, but really, I’m just finishing the last policy on this track, and looking to adopt a new one next time. Some players will bounce around between policy trees as they develop. I’ve done this in the past before. But for this game, I’m trying to finish each policy tree and get the ‘über bonus” for each before moving on to the next.



And Yet There Still Are More Isolated People Than I Was.
Hard to believe anyone took longer than me Budapest to start introducing themselves to the world.



The Lurking Galleasses.
Not a punk band – but certainly a cool name for one – but rather the Incan fleet that’s still making me nervous.



That Holy Site is Quite a Sight.
If I can put an otherwise useless tundra tile into circulation by putting a Great-Person-Tile-Improvement on it, like, say, maybe a Holy Site, then that’s a Good Thing™.



Fighting for Reconnaissance.
Sometimes you gotta beat some information out of the locals.



Time to Revisit Technology Tree.
My original development queue wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t quite what I wanted it to be, either.



Rearranging the Priorities.
The top arc of the tree, with Acoustics, Archaeology, Navigation, and Architecture, has some excellent wonders, but it’s rare that you can bag them all.  We’re going to try.



Printing Press – “Yay! Journalism!”
Seriously, though, I have no idea what the Printing Press has to do with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but it’s a nice wonder to have.



Updating Production in the Capital. Carthage is a hammer-swinging town, so it’s a good place to try to build wonders quickly. We’re going to take a stab at getting the Leaning Tower of Pisa… just ‘cuz.



Again with the Lumber Mills.
As noted above, bare tundra tiles suck.  So if you’ve got a forest on one, build a lumber mill.



He’s Running Away!
Which isn’t a bad thing, considering he’s winning and I could use a breather.



Mt Fuji?  Out Here? 
Eh, who cares – it’s making my people happy.



The Nascent Carthaginian Navy.
Most of the Lurking Galleasses have floated on by, but I want to keep some naval vessels close in case they wander back.



Another Civ.



Let’s Swap!
I always try to get the embassy, but lets try to get some luxury goods early in the trade, too, before we really piss each other off.


What’s next time?  I honestly haven’t a clue.  Come back in a few weeks to find out.


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