Avadon – A Visual AAR, Part 3

frontier wars 728x90 KS

After our first battles, the quest continues ~

Vincent Kowolik, 12 April 2016


my followers have their own thought

my followers have their own thought

sweet talk is my speciality

sweet talk is my speciality


vivid description, I almost feel the heat like in Strasbourg

vivid description, I almost feel the heat like in Strasbourg


my companions are very talky...

my companions are very talky…


yes its hot like in Strasbourg

yes its hot like in Strasbourg





a pilori square

a pilori square


lets ask her for her crime

lets ask her for her crime





Goldcrag is a big village

Goldcrag is a big village


a sign

a sign


to West then

to West then


Off on a  new quest!  What will we find?  Come back and see!


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