Flashpoint Campaigns – GrogHeads Strike Back Winners!

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Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm GrogHeads Strike Back Winners

When we started the Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm contest we had no idea what direction it would take. The developers, On Target Simulations, put a lot of effort into creating a custom scenario and building a game engine to allow players to experience the full features of the game without giving the entire game away. The results were great. We had eighteen participants who submitted a combined 41 entries.


ComradeP’s fantastic performance.

The contestants came out swinging. Herman Hum threw the gauntlet down with an opening score of 64%. That in itself was impressive, as my first few go rounds were merely in the mid 50’s. However, better was yet to come. Ifseeney upped the ante with an impressive 68%. Others joined the fray and attempted to match the scores. ComradeP, our winning contestant submitted a first attempt of 66%, but then continued to improve. Other players eventually managed to best the 60th percentile, but when Comrade P finally submitted a whopping 98% everyone was impressed. It is an unimaginably high score and proof that no matter how well you think you can play a scenario, there’s room for improvement.

Congratulations to ComradeP as our grand prize winner, but we also have consolation prizes based on a random drawing. Those winners are: Uberhaus, Szeretni, Ifseeney, and Airborne Rifles.

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